Chapter 65

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Masashi's story continues -

"Kamijo, I want my rematch." I said.

"You'll have it we'll be waiting for you." He said as he and Ayame walked away.

"Come on, let's get ourselves cleaned up and go outside." I said to Meiko.

"Okay." She said.

We went into the master's bathroom and cleaned ourselves up.

Apart of me wanted to ask Meiko did she took her birth control pills, but another part of me wanted to ignore it, so I asked her anyway.

"Meiko, did you took your birth control pills?" I asked.

"Yes I did, I took it before you came upstairs, why'd you ask." She asked.

"I'm just asking." I answered without having her being too suspicious.

"Okay." Meiko said.

To be honest, the only reason why I asked her did she took her pills was because I didn't use a condom last night and I didn't use one the other night and my biggest worries was her getting pregnant because of me.

We went outside to the back yard to play tennis, Hizaki, Teru and Zin was out there with Kamijo and Ayame, we didn't see Yuki and Jenny anywhere.

"Did anybody see where Yuki and Jenny went?" I asked them.

"Nope, we didn't see them when we got here." Hizaki said.

"Weird, I just saw them in the dining room, I wonder where they went." I said.

"Wait, you saw them in the dining room?" Zin asked.

"Yeah, they were making out when I walked in on them." I said.

Everybody was in shocked when I told them that.

"Holy shit! They were having sex!" Teru shouted.

"No they wasn't Teru and stop being so damn loud." I said.

"What was they doing when you saw them?" Hizaki asked.

"Who cares, come on let's play tennis." I said as I ended the subject.

Yuki was the least of my concern.

"Are you ready to redeem yourself Masashi?" Kamijo asked as he got his game face on.

"You're going down Kamijo." I said to him.

"Let the game begins." He said.

"Whoop his butt Kamijo, you can do it!" Hizaki shouted.

"Hey, who side are you on?!" I asked.

Then out of nowhere, I got hit in the face with the ball by Kamijo.

"Ouch!" I shouted.

"Damn Masashi, you suck." Teru said.

"Shut up! I wasn't ready!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry about that dude." Kamijo said.

"I'm going to get you for that." I said to him.

Then I heard Meiko and Ayame talking.

"So Meiko, who are you ruding for, Kamijo or Masashi?" Ayame asked.

"I'm ruding for Masashi." She answered.

"Why'd you want to rude for that grouch? He suck at tennis." Teru said.

I got irritated and started to lose focus and missed the ball.

"DAMN! You missed sucker!" Teru shouted.

Then I got booed by Zin and Hizaki.

"BOOO! *HISSING* BOOO!" They yelled.

I got really irritated.

"SCREW YOU!" I yelled at them.

"Hey, don't get mad at us because you can't play tennis you sore looser." Teru said.

Zin and Hizaki started laughing at me.

Then I saw Meiko get up from her seat, walked over to Teru, slapped the bloody shit out of him and bumped Zin and Hizaki's heads together.

I was just as surprised as Kamijo and Ayame was when we saw the way she stood up to them.

She stood in front of them with her hands on her hips.

"Quiet! You guys are being very rude. Masashi's your friend, have some decency." Meiko said as she got angry at them.

Teru Zin and Hizaki looked at her, terrified as shit, then they had their heads down, looking sad.

Kamijo and I looked at each other and started laughing underneath our breaths.

"Some girlfriend you got Masashi." Kamijo said to me.

"She's not just my girlfriend, she's my Dark Knight Princess and I'm proud of her." I said with a smile on my face.

The Dark Knight Prince Masashi Where stories live. Discover now