Chapter 24

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Masashi's story continues -

After dinner, Meiko said she'll take care of the dishes while I go upstairs.

I went upstairs to our bedroom and went to the master's bathroom and ran the bath water.

Then I heard somebody knocking on my door, I went to the door to answer it, it was Jenny.

"My Lord I ran your bathwater in the main bathroom." She said.

"Oh thanks Jenny, but I'm going to use my master's bathroom." I said.

"Oh okay, I bought your fresh towel and your body watch and shampoo." Jenny said.

"Oh thank you, you can set those on the sink in my bathroom." I said.

Jenny nodded her head and enter my room.

"Lady Meiko is such a sweetheart when she made dinner for you isn't she my Lord?" Jenny asked me about Meiko.

"Yes, she is." I answered.

"You must really like having her around do you?" Jenny asked.

"Well actually, I was thinking about telling her my true feelings for her, I want to tell her that I love her." I said to Jenny.

"My Lord, that's sounds so sweet, you must tell her that, she'll be very happy to hear it from you." Jenny said.

"I will, when the time is right, but now, why don't you use the bathwater in the main bathroom since you went through all that trouble of running it for me." I said.

"Oh thank you kindly my Lord." Jenny said as she bow down to me.

"You're welcome, before you use the bathroom, could you go downstairs and check on Meiko for me?" I asked.

"I sure will my lord. " Jenny said.

"Thank you." I said.

She bow down to me and left my room.

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