Chapter 81

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I got in Kamijo's car, started the engine and drove off like a bat out of hell, leaving Kamijo and the guys behind.

"Why would she leave without telling me?" I asked myself.

I needed to find why would Meiko leave the cabin without letting me know.

As furious and mostly frightened I was, I drove all the way up Ayame's apartment.

I went up to the third floor and I remember the apartment number that Jenny told me last night, apartment 307.

"I hope she's in there." I said to myself as I ranged the bell.

Then I saw the door opened by itself, which that was strange, because I never knew it can do that.

Or did it...?

"Lord Masashi? What are you doing here?" A familiar person asked me.

"Jenny, I thought I it's you, what are still doing here?" I asked her.

"I'm waiting for Ms. Ayame and lady Meiko to come back to the apartment." She answered.

"Oh speaking of Meiko, where she?" I asked.

"She and Ms. Ayame went shopping, they asked me can I stay here until they get back." Jenny said.

"Then I'll stay here and wait for them." I said.

"Uh Lord Masashi, I don't think that's a good idea for you to be staying here with me." Jenny said.

"Why not?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"What if they come in here and saw us together and lady Meiko would really upset with not only you, but me too?" Jenny asked.

I wasn't about to hear that nonsense, so I picked her up from the doorway and stood her by the balcony.

"Like I told you last night, you must have your panties on backward." I said as I walked inside, leaving Jenny blushing and embarrass of what I said to her.

20 minutes later.

I fell asleep in the guest room where Meiko was sleeping when I came and got her last night.

"Lord Masashi, lady Meiko and Ms. Ayame are back." I heard Jenny said.

I got up and walked out of the guest room and saw them.

Meiko didn't look all that happy to see me.

"Masashi!" She said.

"We need to talk." I said as I took her by the hand and walked her in the guest room.

I closed the door to keep Ayame and Jenny out.

"Where have you been? I thought I lost you." I said as I grew a bit upset.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I promised Ayame that I would come back here today." Meiko said as she had her head down.

"You could've told me that you want to come back here instead of leaving the cabin without telling me, now you got me worried sick about you." I said.

"I'm so sorry." Meiko said in a sad tone.

I can tell the look on her face as she had head down, she didn't want to look at how upset I was, so I changed my tone and talked to her calmly without scaring her.

"Never leave me without telling me, you understand? I got to keep you protected." I said as I touched her shoulders.

Meiko looked up at me.

"You're my whole world." I said to her.

She buried her face in my chest.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you like that." Meiko said.

"It's alright, I'm not mad at you." I said as I heard her sobbing into my chest.

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