Chapter 69- the Bahamas part 3

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Masashi's story -

Meiko and I arrived at the Bahamas, it was daylight and was checking in at the plaza hotel.

I told Meiko that we're going to have fun and I meant it.

"Wow! Look at this place, it's beautiful." Meiko said.

I can tell she was happy that we came here.

"Let's go view the sights." I said.

"Aw, can we get settled in first?" Meiko asked.

She looked so cute the way she asked me that.

"Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to settle in first before we go sight seeing." I said as I smiled at her.

Meiko ran up to me and wrapped arms around my neck.

"Thank you for bringing me Masashi." She said.

"Like I said, consider it as another birthday present from me." I said as I rubbed her back softly.

We looked into each other eyes and started kissing.

"I consider this trip as another birthday present from you." Meiko said.

I smiled and kissed her on her forehead.

"Let's unpack and go sight seeing." I said.

"Okay." Meiko said.

She went through her bag and got out her bathing suit, she put the rest of her clothes in the dresser.

"I wonder how she look in that bathing suit." I asked myself as I started unpacking my stuff.

We went outside walked around the city and view the sights.

"This area is so beautiful, I feel like a total country girl here." Meiko said.

"Well, you are a country girl my dear." I said as I started chuckling.

"Wow! Look at that cute little store! I want to go in there and check it out." Meiko said.

"Well, we did told the guys that we'll bring them a souvenir back home, but let's check the beach and then come back to the gift shops." I said.

Meiko looked down at the ground all sad.

"Besides, I want to see you in that bathing suit." I said to her.

"Only if I see you in a swim shorts." Meiko said as she started blushing.

"You got a deal." I said as I started blushing too.

Meiko laughed at the expression I had on my face.

"Hey, don't laugh at me." I said as I frown.

"I'm laughing with you, not at you, now come on and let's go to the beach." Meiko said as she pulled my hand and started running.

"Hey, slow down." I said.

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