Chapter 38

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Masashi's story continues -

I woke up a few hours later and happened to saw Meiko still sleeping in my arms, I whispered softly in her ear.

"Meiko, wake up baby girl." I said.

She opened her eyes and saw me.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes I did, now that I'm in the arms of a gorgeous sexy man like you." Meiko said.

I chuckled and started blushing.

"Good to hear." I said.

We laid in bed and started kissing passionately, my tongue played with hers as we kissed, then she took her left leg and wrapped it around my right leg, giving me some pleasure that I never experienced before.

"A part of me want more sex, but I don't want to over do it." I said to her.

"I don't blame you." Meiko said as she started giggling and blushing.

She looked cute and bubbley when she giggles and blushes.

I looked over at my clock saw that it was 9pm.

"Damn! It's 9:00." I said.

"Really? How long did we slept?" Meiko asked.

"We slept for a long time." I answered.

"Really? Wow!" Meiko said.

Then I growled with a frown on my face.

"Masashi, you're okay?" Meiko asked as she sat up.

"I'm hungry." I answered.

"Yeah, me too, I'll go downstairs and cook something to eat." Meiko said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No, I want to surprise you with something." Meiko said as she got out of bed and puts on her robe.

"But I like surprises." I said.

"Well alright, you can come with me." Meiko said with a smile on her face.

"Yay!" I said as I got out of bed and grabbed my robe and put it on me.

Meiko giggled at my childish reaction.

We left the room and went downstairs.

"I wonder what kind of surprise she's going to have for me." I said to myself.

We went into the dining room and saw Piisuke.

"Hey Piisuke! Were you in here the whole time?" I asked.

"Hmm! I don't see Jenny or anybody else around." Meiko said.

"You're right, I wonder is Yuki still in the infirmary with Jenny." I said.

"Maybe he may have already left." Meiko said.

Then another one of my servants entered the dining room.

"My Lord, is everything alright?" He said.

"Yes, have you seen Jenny around?" I asked.

"She left with Lord Yuki not too long ago." He said.

"Really? I wonder why." I said.

"I heard him telling Jenny that you were upstairs in your room doing it with lady Meiko, he and Jenny didn't want to bother either of you." He said.

"So that's why they left. Well thank you, that will be all." I said.
He bow down to me and left.

I looked at Meiko and I can tell by the look on her face she looked ashamed when Yuki found out that we having sex earlier.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked down at floor blushing, without saying a word.

I put Piisuke down and I gently grabbed Meiko's cheek to get her to look at me.

"I'm so ashamed." She said.

When she said that, apart of me wondered how did Yuki found out that we were having sex.

"How did Yuki found out that we were having sex? Did he saw us?" Meiko asked.

"I don't know how he found out, I don't think he saw us because the door was closed." I said.

Meiko didn't say anything else, she just stood silent at me.

"But let's not worry about that for now, let's get something to eat and maybe call Yuki." I said to her with a smile on my face.

"Sure, okay." Meiko said as she looked down at the floor still ashamed.

"Hey, look at me, I'm not going to let nothing bad happen to you or to us, I'm not going to let nothing or nobody come between us." I said to her as I gently lifted her chin.

"You promise?" Meiko asked.

"I promise." I said.

"Then I believe in you my dark knight prince." Meiko said with a smile on her face.

I kissed her on her cheek and gave her a hug.

"Do you really consider me as your dark knight prince?" I asked.

"Of course I do, you really consider me as your dark knight princess?" Meiko asked.

"Yes I do." I said.

"Then we're even." Meiko said.

I nodded my head and agreed with her.

"Now, about that surprise." I said.

"Huh? Oh I did say was going to surprise with something, did I? Wait out here I'll go make it right now." Meiko said as ran into the kitchen.

I chuckled and said to myself, "I love her so damn much."

Then I felt Piisuke rubbing his head up against my legs, letting me know that he was hungry.

I started to go into the kitchen to get his food but I just remembered Meiko was in there.

"Meiko, could get me that box of cat food that's in the cabinet for me?" I asked.

She came to the kitchen door and gave me Piisuke's food.

I walked over to Piisuke and his food dish and while I feeding him, I got the thinking of about Meiko and what she does for me, then I got the thinking about that dream I had of marrying Meiko and having kids of our own.

The Dark Knight Prince Masashi Where stories live. Discover now