Chapter 77- Natalia returns part 6

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Masashi story continues -

We drove all the way up to the cabin in the forest where Meiko and I can be alone and come up with another plan to get rid of Natalia.

"Here we are, your heavy guarded cabin." Kamijo said.

"Heavy guarded?" Meiko asked.

We got out of the car and made our way inside to greet the guards.

"Welcome to the dark knight imperial cabin Lord Masashi." They said as they bow down to me.

"Thank you men, this is my dark knight princess Meiko Watanabe." I said as I introduced them to her.

They looked at Meiko and bow down to her.

"It's an honor to meet you young lady." They said.

"Um, thanks." Meiko said.

"We wish to enter the cabin." I said.

"Yes Lord Masashi, you may enter." They said as they let us inside the cabin.

"This is your cabin?" Meiko asked.

"Yes, I build this cabin from the ground up, I called it my imperial cabin." I said.

"Wow and it's heavy guarded?" Meiko asked.

"Yeah, it's been guarded to keep intruders out." I said.

"And you'll be safe in here, Natalia won't come in here while the guards are outside." Kamijo said.

"Speaking of which, we need a new plan." I said to Kamijo.

"Right, seeing that the old plan that I came up with backfired, we need another plan to get rid of Natalia." He said.

"What about the plan when we sent her to Timbuktu looking for Masashi, by having her thinking that he's over there on business and have her think that he disappeared off the face of the earth?" Yuki asked.

"Squash that, I was going to save that plan for tomorrow because I was afraid that Natalia would do something to Masashi in his sleep tonight, if he stays there long enough." Kamijo said.

"Oh, so what's the new plan?" Yuki asked.

"We'll let Masashi tell his plan." Kamijo said.

"Well God, all eyes are on me and I can't believe you guys were going to send Natalia all the way to Timbuktu looking for me." I said as I started cracking up.

"Yeah well, that was our plan, so let's hear yours." Kamijo said.

"Well first and foremost, let's get a couple of things straight, if Natalia wants to black mail me in a lie by telling everyone that I killed Anzu two months ago, let's black mail her by telling everyone that she killed her recent deceased ex boyfriend and her best friend because they were seeing each other behind her back without her knowing." I said.

"If we tell everyone about her history, she'll kill all of us." Yuki said.

"Not unless we kill her first, we'll use self-defense on her, it's six of us, plus an army of imperial dark knight guards, against one of her, there's no way in hell she can kill all of us." I said.

"You're right and she's can't win against us, she's out numbered." Kamijo said.

"Yeah." I said.

"But Natalia is still at the castle waiting for you and knowing her, she's getting suspicious." Yuki said.

"Good, let her keep waiting for me, I'm not going back there until she leaves." I said.

"Alright, but what do you want us to tell her when we go back there?" Kamijo asked.

"Tell her that I went to Timbuktu on a business trip and I don't want her to follow me, I want to be alone." I said.

"No sweat, we'll tell her." Yuki said.

"Thanks, and keep having her thinking that I really went to Timbuktu." I said.

"Hahahahaha! Okay, we will!" They said as they left the cabin laughing.

The definition of Timbuktu:

Timbuktu. or Tom·bouc·tou. A city of central Mali near the Niger River northeast of Bamako. Founded in the 11th century by the Tuareg, it became a major trading center (primarily for gold and salt) and a center of Islamic learning by the 14th century.

There's more to come, wait to see what's gonna happen next on The Dark Knight Prince Masashi.

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