Chapter 51- Meiko meet Teru part 4

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Meiko's story-

Later that night, I woke up and saw Masashi laying in bed next to me, I didn't want to wake him up, so I got up and left the room. Kamijo and Yuki was standing out in the hall way.

"Ah! Meiko." Kamijo said.

"Kamijo, Yuki." I said.

"Is Masashi in there?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, he's in there sleep." I answered.

"Really? This time a day?" Yuki asked.

"Well let's just let him sleep and go downstairs, Jenny's finished with your cake." Kamijo said.

"Cake? What cake?" I asked.

"The cake you were making before Natalia came in here." Kamijo answered.

"Oh no! I forgot all about it!" I said.

"It's okay, Jenny is finished with it so it's not burned." Kamijo said to me.

"Yeah, she even decorated for you." Yuki said to me.

"She did?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes, that's why we came upstairs to tell you." Kamijo said.

I was relieved that Jenny finished my cake for me, she's such a sweetheart.

Kamijo and Yuki took me downstairs to the dining room to see the work that Jenny did to my cake.

"Ah! Lady Meiko perfect timing." Jenny said.

"You did that for me?" I asked Jenny as I walked up to her.

"Yes I did, Lord Masashi told me that you left it in the oven and I happened to finish making it for you." Jenny said.

I took her by hands and kissed them.

"Thank you my dear lady." I said to Jenny.

"You're welcome lady Meiko." She said.

"Awww! That's sweet." Yuki said with a smile on his face.

"You better hope Masashi don't come in here and saw that." Kamijo said as he chuckled.

"I'm not gay guys." I said to them.

"Me either." Jenny said.

"We know, we know, anybody can see that none of you aren't gay love." Hizaki said.

Me and Jenny looked at eachother.

"Oh lady Meiko did you met lord Teru?" Jenny asked.

Who's Lord Teru?" I asked.

"I'm Lord Teru, but you can call Teru sweet-thing." He said to me.

"Oh! So you're the one that saved me earlier." I said surprisingly.

"That's right." Teru said with a smile on his face.

I bow down to him and apologized to him for not introducing myself earlier.

"Thank you for saving me and I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier." I said.

"It's okay, I can understand you were scared earlier, so don't even mention it." Teru said as he smiled at me.

"We told him all about you, so he knows who you are." Kamijo said.

"So that's how you know my name." I said.

"Yup, I also know you're beautiful too." Teru said.

I looked at the floor blushing.

"Wow! She is cute, too cute to be with a grouch like Masashi." Teru said.

"Didn't you told him that you won't get involve." Kamijo asked.

"Yeah but, this girl is too cute to be with a man like Masashi, just look at her face and the way she blushes, Masashi's a total grouch." Teru said.

Kamijo raised his eyebrow at him as he at looked at him silently.

Then out of nowhere, Masashi came in the dining room and punched Teru at the back of his head.

No doubt he heard that wind. Haha!

"Did you not told me earlier that you promise me that you won't get involve you ass whole?" Masashi asked.

"Oh Masashi, we all know that you're a grouch and that girl is too cute for you." Teru said.

Masashi grabbed him by his shirt and was getting ready to beat him up, until I stopped him.

"Masashi don't hurt him, he was just being nice to me." I said.

Masashi turned his head and looked at me.

"You got to be the only one who can say that about this joker without a doubt." He said.

"Please don't hurt him, he saved me earlier, if it hadn't been for him I wouldn't be here today." I said as I grabbed his arm.

Masashi looked at me and let go of Teru, then he hugged me.

"I'm saved!" Teru said.

"I'll deal with you later you." Masashi said to him.

"Sure you will" Teru said.

Then he looked at me.

"But I won't get involve in your relationship with her." He said.

Masashi put me behind his back and Kamijo pulled me close to him to get me out of the way.

"You stay the hell away from my girl, don't forget what happened two months ago." Masashi said to Teru.

"Now, now gentleman, let's not fight over the same young lady." Kamijo said.

"Yeah dudes, let's sit down and eat some cake." Yuki said.

"No thanks, I rather eat my cake upstairs then down here in the same dining room with a woman stealing scum like Teru." Masashi said as he looked at him and walked away.

"Screw you, you damn grouch! who needs ya?!" Teru shouted.

"Lady Meiko, you should take some cake upstairs with you to Lord Masashi." Jenny said.

"Okay." I said.

She cut a peace for Masashi and one for me.

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