Chapter 66

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Masashi's story continues -

As I saw Meiko get up from her seat, she walked over to Teru, slapped the bloody shit out of him and bumped Zin and Hizaki's heads together.

Kamijo, Ayame and I was surprised when we saw the way she stood up to them.

She stood in front of them with her hands on her hips.

"Quiet! You guys are being very rude. Masashi's your friend, have some decency." Meiko said as she got angry at them.

Teru Zin and Hizaki looked at her, terrified as shit, then they had their heads down, looking sad.

"Um, Meiko just calm down okay, just calm down, they didn't mean any harm." Ayame said.

"Yeah, we didn't mean any harm, we was just having fun." Teru said as he was agreeing with her.

Zin and Hizaki nodded their heads.

But Meiko wasn't buying it and neither was I.

"I don't care if you guys wasn't having any fun at all, leave Masashi alone, he's my man and that's that." Meiko said.

When I heard her speaks so highly of me, I looked down at the ground blushing.

"Okay Meiko, calm down and come back over here and sit next to me." Ayame said as she pulled Meiko away from Teru Zin and Hizaki.

Kamijo and I looked at each other and started laughing underneath our breaths.

"Some girlfriend you got Masashi." Kamijo said to me.

"She's not just my girlfriend, she's my Dark Knight Princess and I'm proud of her." I said with a smile on my face, I was still blushing.

"Masashi, you're gonna let her talk to us like this? I thought we're friends man." Teru said looking like a puppy dog.

"Oh shut up! All three of you bitches deserved it, especially you Teru, you deserved to get bitch slap." I said to them.


I rolled my eyes and ignore them.

"Yeah well, I've been called worse." I said to Kamijo.

"Indeed you were." He said.

Later that night, Meiko and I went upstairs to our bedroom and talked about the Bahamas.

"Masashi when are we going the Bahamas?" She asked.

"Now my dear." I answered.

"Huh? We're going to the Bahamas right now?" Meiko asked surprisingly.

"Yes, don't you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Well yeah, but I thought that you were gonna pick a day on when we're going." Meiko said.

"But I have and I want us to go now." I said.

"Masashi." Meiko said.

"Let's go to the Bahamas and enjoy the sights, just you and me, nobody else." I said as I held her chin and pulled her close into a kiss.

"Alright then, let's go to the Bahamas." Meiko said.

"Yay! I'll get the servants to pack our bags and get a jet plane ready." I said.

"Sure." Meiko said.

I rang the bell for Tanaka, he entered the room.

"You rang my Lord?" He asked.

"Have the jet pilot prepared the plane, you and the servants pack our bags and board them on the plane." I said.

"Yes my Lord, but may I ask, where are you going?" Tanaka asked.

"Lady Meiko and I are going to the Bahamas." I said.

"Right now my Lord?" Tanaka asked surprisingly.

"Right now." I answered.

He looked at us and fell backwards on the floor.

Kamijo, Ayame, Teru, Yuki, Hizaki, Zin and Jenny were all standing right outside of the room, they too was surprised.

"Oh come on, yesterday was her birthday guys, have some decency." I said to them.

"Decency? You're taking this poor little lady out of the country and we're supposed have decency?" Kamijo asked.

"Uh yeah and we're not amused, besides we want to be left alone for a while, I know I do." I said.

"Oh now we're hatin, you're taking Meiko to the Bahamas and not the rest of us." Teru said as he turned his head towards Ayame, Yuki, Zin and Hizaki and Jenny.

"We'll bring you guys back a souvenir, but right now, this is just a romantic get away for the two of us." I said.

"Well, since you said it like that, the only thing that I can say is be careful and God speed." Kamijo said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yeah, what he said." Teru said as he got his jealous face on.

Yeah he was jealous of me and I knew it, I'm sexy and I know it.

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