Chapter 7

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Soon enough here comes Harry walking out of his house. His eyes are a bit red, the closer he gets the more red they seem. He climbs inside the car and slams the door. He takes a couple sniffs.

"We don't have to hang out today, if you don't feel like it?" I don't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to. After what just happened it seems to me we wouldn't want to anyway.

Slowly he pulls out of the driveway and steps on the pedal.

"No! I want to ok." He sighs, continuing on with what he wants to do.

"We really don't have to, I swear it's ok." I'd rather not go than be uncomfortable and unwanted if we do go.

"I said I want to, to me it sounds that you're the one not wanting to hang out with me." Harry's a bit harsh with his words.

"No, I want to but you don't seem-"

"I want to hang out and so do you, done deal." I stay quiet not wanting to upset him more. We're on the highway once I look back up at the road. I throw my head back against the car seat and look over to his side. Ninety miles per hour, reads the car's dashboard.

"Slow down!" I panic. Is he even being considerate of me being here?

"Don't worry about it." It's like he's so sure of himself.

"We can get in trouble! Worse we can get killed!" I say as I sit straight up waving my hands around.

"It can't be worse than what I'm feeling right now." He whispers to himself, he thinks I didn't hear him but I did.

"What?" I pretend to not have heard what he said, although I doubt he'll repeat himself.

"I said, that coming from the person that has ditched twice from school within 2 weeks, talking about trouble is something you should have already gotten over."

"But that's different." It is different. Ditching school doesn't come with serious consequences, unlike speeding that can get you arrested. He's completely out of his mind right now. Is he even thinking?

"No it's not." He says, chuckling a bit. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and adjusts the mirror, making it tilt a bit. After adjusting it, he takes a left turn that leads to some sort of old building. It's big, really big but by the looks of it, it's vacant.

Slowly, Harry parks his fancy car next to the old building. The building is surrounded by tall bushy trees. The place looking rubbish the more you look at it. Harry gets out of the car and I'm afraid of what his intentions might be. The sun is out, but under all these tree it doesn't seem like it. It's dark and cold as I step out of the car. My breathing starts to get accelerate. Harry is already near the back of the building when I get out if the car. Soon he realizes that I haven't been following him since he left the car. He turns back, looks at me while tilting his head to the side.

"Why are you still there? Come over here." He yells from the distance. As of right now, I'm having second thoughts about all this.

"I'm not s-"

He looks around, taking sight of what out surroundings look like. His small laugh can be heard from afar as he puts his hands on his knees, letting his head drop in between his arms. After his little laughing party, he stands up straight and begins to speak.

"You think I'm going to murder you or something?" He chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well isn't that what always happens when the murderer takes the person to a place this creepy looking?" I'm being dead serious about running and screaming. What else an I supposed to think about what he's trying to do? Things like this never end well.

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