Chapter 118

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{Song- Bloodstream - Ed Sheeran}

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*Louis' POV*

"Out of gummies, sorry." Harry says, taking a seat next to me. Slowly, he turns his attention away from me, realizing Dominic is still seated across from us. "Why aren't you with your little 'crew'" he asks, making air quotations with his fingers when he mentions Dominic's crew.

"No reason." Dominic says, shaking his head.

Harry seems a bit repulsive, not believing what Dominic has to say. His eyes are focused directly at Dominic. For the time that goes on, I can feel the tension building up between Harry and him. Dominic has nothing to do with it though, it's all Harry. I've told him various times that Dominic is no threat to our relationship, and there is no harm he can do, yet Harry still insists in finding out something about Dominic that will make me hate him or find him unappealing.

"Does it have to do with the little argument you had this morning with them?" Harry points out, scooting his body further into the table. It's a clear sign that he's being persistent about this situation, if he wants Dominic out of the table he should just say so.

"Harry," I whisper, hoping Harry will shut his mouth and stop being so rude to Dominic. In no way does Harry have to take this kind of behavior upon him, specially not in the shape he's in right now. The dark circles under his eyes, the lack of sleep is obvious. Harry is only making whatever he's going through harder than it is. Whether it be the "argument" Harry is referring to or his girlfriend, in no way does he have to interfere with his problems.

"No, no it's fine," Dominic shakes his head, standing up from the table. "I get it, I'm not welcomed here and it's not the first time," he says, referring to Harry. Dominic quickly stands up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder, beginning to walk away from the table. "We'll catch up soon," he winks as he walks away. Luckily, Harry doesn't take notice in the small gesture, he's too busy pulling out the bag of gummy bears out of the right pocket of his jeans.

"You said they were all out." I point to the small bag that's laying on his hand. A smirk spreads across his face as soon as he sets the bag on the table, opening it up.

"If I would've said that there were some, you would've made me offer some to Dominshit. We both know I wouldn't do that," Harry shrugs hsi shoulders, grabbing a gummy out of the back and throwing it to the back of his mouth.

"Why don't you like Dominic?" I sigh. I've already grown tired of the tension between the two, most of it caused by Harry. Like if Paris wasn't enough to deal with these two, I wasn't planning to come back with the same problem. There's clearly something Harry is holding against him, he hasn't like Dominic from the start but I can't find a reason why he doesn't like him. If Harry has a legitimate reason to not be able to stand Dominic, then maybe I wouldn't be so insistent on him getting along with Dominic.

"Are you asking me why I don't like him or why I can't stand him?" Harry throws another gummy into his mouth, continuing to chew while he talks. He's lacking manners, but I find what he's doing rather attractive than rude.

"Same thing, Harry."

"Louis," he shifts his body towards me. "I can't put my finger on what exactly it is that I dislike about him, but I know he's no good. And before you say anything, yes I am insecure, yes I'm scared of loosing you but that's not why I don't like him. Now, you need to understand that there's people out there that want to hurt you, maybe not physically but emotionally. It's just, there's something fishy about him and I'm not liking the fact that he's gotten so close to you." Harry's voice remains low throughout his venting. Everything he's saying, he's making up, not doubt about it. I'm not sure if what he's trying to do here is somehow claim me as his possession, or if it's just jealousy that's he's experiencing. Whether it be either one of those, he needs to get over whichever one it is.

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