Chapter 120

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Song for the chapter - All I Want - Kodaline

Twitter Shoutouts -

• @mikeyftharry
• @hesavengers
• @popcherrylouis
• @littlebirdylou
• @lunouis (one of my very first readers ❤️)
• @rebellouion

*Harry's POV*

One week, one week he's been avoiding me, or so I think. At school we barely talk, and when we do Zayn, and Niall are around. I've been trying to contact Liam in an attempt for him to talk to me just in case he knows something, but he's always running off for some reason. Luckily yesterday he was "free" and we ended up going on a movie date, it was nothing big or special, sadly. He's been reserved this week, even yesterday I would try to bring up what he's been doing and he'd avoid the question. I'm not sure how much longer I can take before I lose my shit and force him to tell me, or at least tell me if I'm right.

This whole afternoon has been fucking boring, hell, all afternoons have been boring these past two weekends, without Louis they're just shit. My day has consisted of studying for the exams we're taking in a week, normally I'd ask Louis but he's "busy".

I'm sat at the dinner table, the pen between my teeth as I try to concentrate on this problem I have no idea how to do.

"What are you doing there?" my mum asks. She's standing in front of the kitchen stove, pulling some kind of pastry out of the oven.

"Studying, what else does it look like?" I snap.

"No need to snap at me mister, I was just asking so you could take this over to Jay's house. This pregnancy is hitting her hard, not to mention the cravings." she says, rolling her eyes. "She's been complaining about how much she's been wanting an apple pie, so I figured why not bake her one. Now, if you don't mind-"

I look up at her, taking the pen from my mouth and waving it around. "You want me to go deliver it?"

She places the pie in front of me, covering it up with tin foil. "If you're too busy with that you've got there, then I'll take it." I'm busy, but I can't refuse an opportunity to go see Louis.

"No, no, I've got it." I say, grabbing the pie before I even stand up.

"Well," she talks as she takes her mittens off, "once you get back we can talk about what's been troubling you."


"Oh Harry, I know you better thank you know you. You are my son after all, I didn't spend eighteen years just watching you grow, I paid attention. There's something bothering you, now as soon as you get back we can talk about whatever it is, deal?" that parental instinct really isn't a myth, is it. She's right, but I don't think she'd be the type to understand. Who knows, I might be wrong, so I have no other choice.

"Deal. I'll see you in a few." I stand up from the table, carrying the pie in my hand. Who knows if this pie will actually make it there, the smell is irresistible.


It doesn't take long before I pull up into Louis' driveway. It's dark outside, and by the looks of it, so is the inside. The only light that seems to be on is the one from Louis' room and the kitchen light. Out of the countless things that Louis could be doing up, I have a pretty good idea of what it is.

I get out of the car, the heel of my boots clicking with the pavement as soon as I step out. My legs move fast underneath me, trying to hurry to the door.

My heartbeat increases in speed, worried who might answer the door. If it's Louis I know he'll be just as nervous as I am. I knock on the door, then step back to wait for whoever it might be to open the door.

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