Chapter 99: Love and Sound

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Chapter 99: Love and Sound

"Ai-senpai!" Syo says out loud in surprise seeing me and Ai enter the lobby of the agency's dormitory.

"Ai, Kaori, it's good to see you two. It's been a while."

"It indeed has been, Masato. Have you been well?" Ai asks as he helps me sit down on one of the sofas.

"Kaori-chan! Your tummy is so big now! Are you going to give birth soon?"

"Hehe. That's right, Natsuki. I'm due around next month."

"I can't wait to see the baby! Is it going to be a boy or a girl?"

"It's going to be a boy."

Syo levels himself with my tummy and starts talking to the little baby inside. "Can you hear me in there? I'll just believe that you can. Be good to your mom and dad when you come out, okay? Come play with us when you have time! Oh yeah, learn to smile and laugh a lot; don't end up not smiling and not talking...too serious like your dad."

"What's did you say?" Ai says grumpily.

"U-Um! Nothing! Anyway, you're not that cold and silent compared to when we first met you! You've completely changed for the better! That's for sure."

"I want to talk to the baby too!" Natsuki says as he levels himself with my tummy too.

"You two seem more excited than his parents." Masato chuckles. "I'd admit though that I'm excited to see the baby too. I pray that he'll be a happy and healthy child."

"Eh? Haruka!" The moment I saw Haruka pass by one of the hallways of the lobby, I called out to her and waved towards her.

"Kaori! You're here!" She rushes over to me and gives me a hug.

"You seem well, Haruka. I'm glad to see you."

"Your tummy has gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw you. You're giving birth next month, right? Take care of yourself and the baby!"

"I will of course!"

Haruka still stays here in the dormitory since it's most convenient for her. Some of the boys have moved out and bought a place of their own while some decided to stay here. Those who have a place of their own would come by to hang out or to visit and if they have some work that's nearer to this area than where they live, they would stay here until their work is over.

"So what brought you two here early in the morning?" Syo asks. "...Wait a minute! Ai-senpai, today's your birthday!"

"Oh yeah! It's March 1!" Natsuki says in realization.

"Are you two here to celebrate his birthday with us?" Masato asks.

"Oh, that wasn't our intention for today." I tell them.

"Kaori and I just felt like visiting the dorm and see how everyone is doing. It's quite a shame that everyone isn't complete today." Ai says.

"It's a shame indeed. Everyone else has work at the moment. Did you two pass by the office?" Natsuki asks.

"We did! Ringo-san and Hyuuga-san were there. They sure were surprised to see me and Ai."

"I bet Tsukimiya-sensei was really happy. He's been complaining time and time again about how much he misses you." Haruka says.

"He bombarded me with so many questions that my head started spinning!"

We laugh.

"Ai-senpai, we saw your new billboard poster in Shibuya the other day!"

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