// Cheez-its

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Ladies, I am in Biology. The most boring class.

Not anymore.

"Did you buy the Cheez-its?" I asked Mark as he began setting up the camera. "And, do you remember the rules?"

"I did, and I do," he chuckled. "Whoever wins, gets five Cheez-its."

"Correcto! So what game did you pick?"

"Would you rather. Whatever higher percentage is best."

"Seems good to me," I opened a box. "I'm so tempted to eat them!"

"I bought the regular, right?" Mark asked.

I looked at the box. "Yeppers."

He sat down next to me. "Ready?"


"Three, two..."

"Stop counting, just start it so I can eat them."

"Hello everybody it's Markiplier back with Would You Rather. Now (Y/N) thought we could play a game we used to play together called Win-Win. Usually it's whoever wins a round gets to eat, but now it's whoever had the higher percentage."

"I'm (Y/N), in case you didn't know," I smiled. "Mark's fiancé."

"So let's begin!" Mark pushed the start button. "Would you rather have bottom bunk or top bunk (Y/N)?"

"Bottom bunk."

"Whoops, looks like they only have twenty seven percent."

"That's BS," I frowned. "Would you rather own the world's greatest shower, or the world's greatest bed?"

"I would want the greatest bed because I already have it. I get to share it with my beloved."

"Friggin' correct," I announced. "Have your five Cheez-its."

"Would you rather jump in a pool of lava, or jump in a pool of freezing water?"

"Well, you'd be some hot yoghurt in lava, so, freezing water," I sat back, crossing my arms.

"Fourty six percent of people said the same."

"I WANT THEM GODDANG CHEEZ-ITS." Mark chuckled. "Would you rather be able to swim to the depths of the ocean, or climb to the top of the world?"

"Easy, climb to the top of the world because the ocean is a scary place."

"Seventy six percent, said they would swim the ocean."

"Why would people want to?"

"Because they like to swim?"

"Would you rather meet One Direction or meet Eminem?"

"Mark, this one is easy, Eminem."


"I GET CHEEZ-ITS. Would you rather have the complete set of Dexter, or the complete set of Breaking Bad?"



"We actually have the box set, I bought it for her birthday here seven, eight months ago."

"And I enjoyed every second of it."

(Here's Dexter if you didn't know)

"I also proposed to her that night too," Mark smiled, hugging me.

"You did indeed."

"Would you rather live without toilet paper for a week, or without Wi-Fi?"

"Without Wi-Fi. We all need toiletry."

"Hey your five Cheez-its."

"Yes, BOIII. Would you rather marry the girl of your dreams/fall in love with, or a girl with a lot of money?"

Mark smiled and leaned over to peck me on the lips. "Marry the girl of my dreams, whom I fell in love with."

"Good choice. I'm going to eat all the other boxes of Cheez-its."

"I love her so much, you know that?" Mark shut off the camera.

"And I love you," I smiled, wrapping my arms around him.



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