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I am so happy received all the comments and votes from all of you. Yep i know  i ask you for it as a feedbacks. 

And all of the silent readers. Its okay for i meant at least you read  my stories. Walaupun kadang nyesek juga sih. Votes : 3 Read:26 like... seriously 23 orang lainnya kemana ? Hello are you there or do you live under the bikini bottom so you dont get enough signal to vote ? 

But okay aside from it. I would like to remind you that The Request is CLOSED . 

Why ? 

I dont have any day off from school anymore i meant tidak dalam waktu dekat. 

Dan damn. Im going to have Final Exam . So i may or may not update all of the fanfictions and all the pending One shoot.

Yash some of you gonna be mad. 

and whoever kalian yang akan UJIAN NASIONAL. here a lil advice , same like what i told to Raniabby_13  my baby rania yaaash. (Ask her the lucky charm (words)  that i gave to her )


BUT hopefully you would understand me. And THANKYOU SO MUCH couldnt believe i have made 27 oneshoot and its all bcs of you. Youre the characters ^^

Sooo  see you as soon as posiible !

ciao xo

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