it's s t o p p e d ?

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I dont think i can make it to On The road again tour 2015. Eventhough i know. I want to meet all of my mutuals. But.. idk im confused


"There's a thing bigger than fears called hope"

Its all stopped for a moment. I didnt know how to breath, i didnt know what 'air' is, and the only i think i know, my world was being  destroyed by some dicks.

Sabtu pagi, i remember, kakek antar anggi kesekolah with his beloved Ford Escape that he proud the most.  "Jam berapa pulang ?"

"Jam 1-an kak"
"nanti dijemput mbok luh ya, kak pulang keluwus"

"cium kak dulu" and with that i kissed his forehead before jumped out of the car.

Sabtu Siang. Anggi pulang sekolah dijemput mama dan langsung ke pasar. "Ayo beli mangga buat kak" kata mama sambil jalan ke dagang mangga dan anggi tetep mengekor.
"Ma, beli jajan kesukaan kak" kata anggi ketika lewat dagang jajan. Mama ngeluarin uang sepuluh ribuan dan langsung suruh anggi beli.

Anggi inget, pia gepeng yang lima ribuan dapet enam dengan rasa kacang hijau itu kesukaan kak. Without any doubts anggi beli.

Sabtu malam. Jam 10, i was about to sleep, i was about wrap myself in my fluffy barbie blanket because it was raining and sleeping was the best thing to do in that night but my mom knocks on my door (in hurry and panic) and my dad forced to open it bcs they might be think i was fall asleep.


"Ada apa ma ?" I asked

"Ayo tengok kak kerumah sakit"
Kakek who ? I have a lots of grandpa.

I was confused, "kak siapa ? O-okay aku ikut"

"Kaknya anggi"

"KAK ?! KOK BISA ?!"
"iya bude telepon katanya kak ditabrak sekarang lagi dirumah sakit kapal, ayo cepet !"
And thats it .
I feel like a thousand of miley cyrus came to me and wreck me like a wrecking ball

We drove down to the hospital as fast as we can, and arrives at 10.30pm and i jumped out of the car and run to the Emergency. And turn right in the corner i found my grandad lying in bed and i cant think straight after  that.

All i know is my superman needs help

All i know is that someone destroyed the most precious thing in my life.

All i know is pain

All i know is that i have to cry or i will end up crazy

All i know is that i hate hospital

All i know is that i hate myself

All i know is that my world, myself and everything will changes.

All i know is i am lost.

All i know in that time was, anggi harus bunuh atau bahkan tabrak balik orang yang sudah tabrak kak. I HAVE TO TEACH HIM NOT TO DRIVE IN 120KM/HOUR DI JAM 10 MALAM. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK . HE PUT MY LIFE IN DANGER HE PUT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MY SUPERMAN, IN DANGER


Tapi anggi inget. Anggi gaboleh begitu.

I was there, standing in the middle of UGD, feeling helpless, desperate, hurt, and dont know what to do. Anggi benci denger suara alat pendeteksi jantung.
Apa yang anggi tulis selama ini dicerita soal ruang UGD, rumah sakit, dan perasaan yang dirasain sama karakter-karakter dicerita anggi semua itu.... ternyata lebih menyakitkan didunia nyata.

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