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Ive been spending my holiday in Hospital, waiting for my superman aka kakek tercinta. He's been in ICU for 3 weeks :) (iam trying to smile, dont laugh) daripada anggi nangis melulu di icu, and i bet my grandpa would hate me if he see me like that, jadi... kenapa ga nulis aja ? Hehehe. Kalau melamun di ruang ICU.. horor, i cant think straight.
10 orang, ya ? Kalau kebanyakan takutnya ga kebuat, karena kecil kemungkinan nulis di laptop, so i'll just write it on my phone sambil jagain kakek dari jam 7 pagi till 10 malem. Hehehehe...

Here's the rules.
1. You have to follow me.
2. Votes some of my stories, feedbacks.
If you didnt follow the rules, i will not accept your request, and i will cancel it right away.

Here's the form.

*Nama : (boleh asli, boleh siapa aja)

**Tokoh : (one direction only,maaf :( )

***Ide : (karakter kamu disini gimana dan si lawan main gimana)

****Alur : (Ending-nya ga boleh ditentuin ya biar seru)

*****Lagu : (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku *yakali kayak undian)

Gampang kan ? Engga susah kok,kan ga disuruh main debus atau kuda lumping dulu... hehehe ditunggu requestnya ya. (Astungkara) engga lama nulisnya ya.

PS: its 9 pm . And i am still in the hospice. Havent take a bath or eat lol. As long as i have my fragrance i think, im okay lol

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