Frieza X Reader - Part 6 (New recruit)

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"AHHHH, YOU WANKER!" Jeice shouted and fell down while hiding his bleeding knee. "Man up, you'll live." You put your arms to your side and walked to the edge of the arena.

"Zarbon, Dodoria you both have a new team mate." Frieza pointed to you as a doctor was checking you out. "You're promoting that (Your Breed) to our rank, Lord Frieza? What good use is she to us?" Zarbon widened his eyes as he didn't like the idea Frieza had. "I made a deal with her, Zarbon. If she beat Jeice in a fight she could join the Ginyu Force, but she declined the offer, so I gave her the offer to being at your rank. She agreed with it and that I'm happy with. Plus if you paid attention to her fighting, you'll see that she is very powerful. So what I recommend is that you and Dodoria give her some training and make her even more useful." Frieza smirked and stood up.

"But why would you want to do that, Lord Frieza? If you say she has trained with her own race, the Saiyans and the odd Brench-seijin or two then why would you want us to train her? She could be playing with us, turn on us and then kill us all." Dodoria explained the likeliness of what you could do. "I want to get her as strong as possible because I could do with her in battle. If any other race attempts to over power me they will be crushed by (Y-N) and Vegeta. That little prince is a young, feisty Saiyan who will be heartless within a year or two. It'll just take longer with (Y-N) because she's the opposite gender and fully grown. On the other hand, I wouldn't worry about her turning on us, if she did, where would she go? Her planet is gone, Planet Vegeta is gone and I'm pretty sure she won't be going the Planet Brench. We're also going to be on this ship for a good decade, so contact with planets will be rare for them." Frieza explained the positive side in having you as a member of his crew. "If you say so, Lord Frieza." Dodoria remained stood to a side and just agreed with his boss.

"Brilliant. Now go get her and give her a tour of the ship. I've got my own stuff to attended to." Frieza told Zarbon and Dodoria to do their jobs for the time being.

"Can you see straight?" A doctor held out a finger in front of your eyes just to check your sighting. "I'm fine. It's just a couple of cuts and bruises." You told the doctor one again. "Sorry, we've got to check everything. We've never had a (Your breed) working for Lord Frieza before so we've got to make a profile on your race just in case if you get any further injuries." The medic told you that this was nessicary. "Fair enough, but I'd worry more about that Brench-seijin that has an open wound than me who just has a couple for scratches." You replied and looked over to Jeice who was getting took away to get healed.

"Don't tell a professional doctor how his job should be done, (Y-N). No one told you how you should have fought agents that Ginyu Force guy." Zarbon came over to you and whipped his hair back.

Zarbon did however have you cornered, you couldn't think of any words to defend yourself with, so you remained silent.

"That's what I though. Now follow Dodoria and I. Lord Frieza has given us orders." Zarbon spoke out again and turned around. "And those orders are?" You raised an eyebrow. "To give you a tour of the ship of course. We wouldn't want you getting lost now would we?" Zarbon smirked and simply said to you. "Lead the way, posh boy." You shrugged and followed Zarbon and Dodoria after the doctor finished with you.

Once Zarbon and Dodoria showed you everything there was to see, you began to day dream from being extremely bored.

"Lucky for you, (Y-N). You can quiet being bored and head off to your room." Dodoria stopped you from walking behind Zarbon and him. "What?" You snapped out of mind and started to pay attention again. "Put your hand on that monitor and it'll remember that your hand print can only have access to this room." Dodoria pointed to the monitor that had digital writing on it that said 'Place hand here for a new lock'. "Ok." You did as Dodoria recommend.

Then your door opened automatically and remained open till you pressed a button on the inside that closed it.

"I should remind you that we will both come and get you in eight hours to do some training with you." Zarbon leaned in the door way of the door. "Why?" You asked him. "To do some training with you, I just said. Lord Frieza wants us to train you for some stupid reason." Zarbon replied. "Yeah. It's literally the dumbest idea he has every come up with." Dodoria butted in. "I didn't even know about that, but it sounds pretty stupid because pink fat ass here will start sumo wrestling and crush me, then you'll probably start brushing your hair with fairy dust which will probably make me go blind." You made a mockary of your two new co-workers.

"What are you implying?" Zarbon and Dodoria said at the same time.

"You clearly need to go on a diet." You pointed at Dodoria.

"And you're obviously a bitchy beauty queen." You the pointed to Zarbon and closed your door afterwards.

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