Frieza X Reader - Part 13 (Hot and awkward)

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Time Skips 24 hours.

So all of Frieza's men were unsuccessful and dead. Very, very dead. Frieza was obviously furious about it as he knew that his men could have done better. So his next plan was to send out the remaining Saiyans. Nappa made his way to Frizea's location and helped Prince Vegeta and Raditz take over the planet. You just looked the bright side because you sill didn't have to kill anyone. Zarbon and Dodoria also seemed to have got a long with you a lot more now, only because you've been talking to them for the last couple of hours; as you've stayed cool for one whole day.

"Have you seriously been sat here for the last twenty four hours?" Frieza came up behind Zarbon and Dodoria who had their feet in the water. "Yep." You causally answered.

"Wait?.. What's with the change in height?" You questioned Frieza as he had grown a couple of feet taller. "It's called transforming. I have multiple forms and transform if I really need to. Example, I had to take it up a notch to level two because some men are slacking on WATCHING THE SAIYANS!" Frieza snarled and put a hand on Zarbon's and Dodoria's shoulder to signal them that they needed to do their job. "We're on it, Lord Frieza!" Zarbon straighted his back, slipped his boots back on and flew off with Dodoria.

Frieza then put himself back into his small normal form and sat opposite you as Zarbon and Dodoria vanished into the distance.

"You want me to go with them?" You questioned Frieza. "No. It's not your job to take over planets. If the Saiyans, Zarbon and Dodoria fail I'll blow the planet up myself it's as easy as that." Frieza told you and clicked his neck as his horns had just gone back to being pointy and not curved. "Ooook then." You nodded and sat out of the water since you've been in it for a full day. "But I don't think they will fail. Apparently, those Saiyans are reliable." Frieza continued to blabbed on. "They are pretty sneaky bastards." You nodded and couldn't disagree with Frieza there. "I'm really surprised that you haven't got sun burnt." Frieza then mentioned as his eyes widened at one particular thing on your body. "Same, the water must prevent the heart from burning things inside of it." You looked at your hands and chest that seemed to be completely fine.

"So how long do you think those five will be?" You started a different conversation while twirling your feet around in the water. "An hour, half an hour. It's..." Frieza answered you then got cut off from his sentence. "AHH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" You yelled and rapidly stood up while shacking your left foot. "Err." Was Frieza's response. "Fucking fish." You then sat back down and tried to pull the fish off your toes that it was eating. "Aww baby piranha." Frieza pointed out as it was rather small with razor sharp teeth. "AAAHHHHHH!" You continued to yell as you got the fish off your foot. "That can't tickle." Frieza commented while you was covering the blood up that was squirting out of your foot. "OF COURSE IT DIDN'T TICKLE! I'VE JUST HAD A BABY FISH MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME BY EATING TWO OF MY TOES!" You yelled back at Frieza and managed to put your armour back on. "It ate them?" Frieza questioned with a face that was defiantly not serious. "Err yeah. My left foot looks like yours for fuck sake." You removed the towel that you used the cover up the blood and showed your boss. "If it's that bad of a thing, go to the regeneration tank and the medics might be able to restore them!" Frieza stood up and raised his voice at you.

You couldn't really say anything back to that. It was clear as day that Frieza was getting pissed off, so it would be best to say nothing back to him. So you just turned around with an angry look on your face and began to limp back to the ship.

"Don't forget to drop that piranha, you don't want to lose any fingers too do you?" Frieza stated and pointed out that you still had the dehydrating fish in your hand. You looked in your right hand and noticed that you actually still had the fish in your hand. So you turned around and put it back in the water. "I would have eaten it if I were you." Frieza nodded while watching the fish swim around back in its home. "I would duck if I were you." You mumbled to Frieza and noticed an odd figure kneeling meters behind him. "What about a duck?" Frieza questioned you with a confused look.

This random figure then shot a beam out of his hand and aimed it at Frieza's back. In perfect timing you sprinted and jumped at Frieza so he was out of the way.

"Ohhhhh." Frieza lifted his head up as he looked at you on top of him so you could protect him from the attack. Rapidly, you managed to bounce the attack back at the hitman and killed him with his own attack.

"I can defend myself you know?" Frieza broke the silence. "Can you though? I told you to duck and you though I was talking about the actual bird." You looked down at Frieza who was relaxing under you.

Dragon Ball Z - Frieza X Reader (Something Pure Evil) Where stories live. Discover now