Frieza X Reader - Part 69 (Wrong guy)

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"If you say so." Goku rolled his eyes and let go of your hand as you pulled away. "Right, so we'll look around for another twenty minutes and then meet up with the others." You told Goku moving along from the subject of your son. "Right." Goku nodded still not being entirely sure what Kuriza looked like, but he searched with you anyways.

Time Skips 20 Minutes

When the search came to an end everyone met back up together and it seemed like the had no sign as Kuriza still wasn't in your view.

"Any luck?" You questioned everyone the second Vegeta landed with the rest of you. "Nope, sorry." Gohan shook his head. "Nothing." Vegeta also told you. "Pink skin, purple parts on his body, pointy armour, long tail, hover pod, red eyes I think so." Krillin listed some features to you. "THAT'S FRIEZA, YOU DUMB ASS!" You and Vegeta yelled at Krillin as he somehow got the two aliens mixed up. "Thought so, it's a good job he didn't see me then." Krillin held his chest from you and Vegeta shouting at him. "How can you get brown and purple mixed up?!" You bent your knees and fingers in frustration. "How can you not get their names mixed up? They sound the same!" Krillin raised his voice back at you trying to keep himself together. "Because I've known them both for years and it's not my fault Frieza gave his son a similar name to his own!" You folded your arms and shut your eyes pretending that you didn't name Frieza's kid.

After that it was basically awkward silance, Goku just kept his mouth shut, Vegeta cleared his throat knowing that it was your fault for giving Kuriza the name of Kuriza and Gohan just stood there puzzled not knowing what to say and do.

"So what's the plan now?" Goku asked to move the next step forward. "We go to Frieza's ship and see what occurs. Apparently, Frieza isn't there so we should be ok till Dende gets back to us." You commented the next part knowing that the ship would be Frieza free. "Let's get going then." Gohan nodded agreeing to the next step.

It took a few minutes for you five to fly over to Frieza's ship and as you were you coming in for a landing, you could see that there were no alive soldiers left around the ship. There was only Captain Ginyu and Jeice burying the seven dragon balls.

"Evening." You confronted Jeice and Ginyu with your landing. "Have fun killing Recoome?" Ginyu harshly questioned you. "Not really, it was an accident." You tilted your head to the side still feeling bad. "Well, I feel bad for having to kick your ass in a moment. Lord Frieza said he's done with you after this trip." Ginyu cracked his knuckles and took steps closer to you telling you what Frieza had said to him. "He was done with me years ago. The only reason why I can think of us two still being together is because of our son." You also got closer to Ginyu and mentioned to him quietly so the others didn't hear. "You're a smart woman and I truly feel sorry for you." Ginyu lowered his head, put a hand on your shoulder and punched you in the stomach which sent you flying back into Krillin and Vegeta who caught you.

"Are you ok?" Krillin worriedly asked. "Yeah. I almost laughed because it almost tickled." You chuckled at Ginyu's sly attack and watched his face drop from proud to shocked. "Well I say we can handle them, it should be an easy fight." Goku slammed a fists into his other hand pumping himself up.

As Goku, Gohan and Krillin went into the fight with Captain Ginyu, you and Vegeta just stood there watching to see what would happen. Then two other things caught the attention of both of you. Vegeta noticed that Jeice was too busy watching the fight, so he thought he would make his hands full and kick his ass fir the last time before he probably killed him.

"Hey, red man, you're fighting me!" Vegeta pointed at Jeice with his challenge. "Bring it on, you piece of trash." Jeice snarled and accept that he had no choice but to fight Vegeta.

You knew that Jeice stood a chance, but it wouldn't be for long. Vegeta was back at full strength from his last fight with Recoome and Burter which meant that he would be more stronger now because Saiyans got more powerful the more they fought. But you couldn't really care anymore, finding your son was still your top priority and you may have a solution to finding him quickly. You knew that the Ginyu Force borough the new up to date scouters to Namek so if there were any leftover ones you could simply use one and find Kuriza that way. Besides, the others wouldn't need your help for a good while yet so you found a way inside of Frieza's ship and got looking.

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