Frieza X Reader - Part 27 (Another party)

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"Hi, (Y-N)." The WHOLE Ginyu Force waved hello to you as you opened the door. "I ask for one of you and all of you are here." You stood in the doorway as you were pretty surprised at the greetings you just got. "You told us there would be one you wanted us to kill but now there's two." Ginyu mentioned to you folding his arms. "Well I need another one doing now, I'm not bothered who does it, just come get me once you're done." You chucked both of the men on the floor with your clear explanation. "Do we have to clean up the mess and dispose of the bodies?" Jeice held you back before you left. "Fuck me, what you planning on doing to them?" You chuckled at Jeice since he sounded like a great ape. "It's very rare we get to do some tutoring and killing like this, so we're going to spoil ourselves." Ginyu honestly told you.

"You lot are savages." You nodded the truth and crossed your arms with a smile. "Yeah, well what you going to do? We work for Lord Frieza so of course we're going to be savages. It's only a matter of time before you become a bit head mental." Ginyu back fired at you. "Fuck off." You shot a little blast at the captain that he dodged. "He's not wrong, (Y-N). If I compare you from four years ago to now, you'll see a massive difference." Burter backed up the Captain in a more chilled tone. "Yeah, like if that was you four years ago you would have taken Captain Ginyu's words as a joke and laughed it off, but you fired a small attack at him instead." Recoome butted into the conversation too. "Just shut the fuck up and do what I've requested!.. You know where to find me when you're done." You raised your voice and attempted to calm down as you started to leave.

"Must be that time of the month." Jeice quietly joked to the gang. "Ha ha eww." His friend's followed up with. "I HEARD THAT, JEICE!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. "Shit." Jeice shot his eyes open and hid behind Burter.

Now that was out of the way you could finally do your own thing, and that would possibly be going to bed. The moment you got into your room and chucked your armour to a side you got in bed and at your side of course because Frieza was already curled up at his side asleep already. Just before you pulled the covers over you and put your head down for a little while, you took a quick look at Frieza and thought he looked rather peaceful and cute since he seemed to be pretty warm and comfortable.

"What you looking at?" Frieza spoke out with his eye still shut. "You. Is that a problem?" You grinned and cuddled up behind him. "No, I'm just curious." Frieza answered and rolled over to face you in bed.

"Did you take care of the Space Cop?" Frieza put an arm around you and got comfortable again. "Yep." You said and didn't bother making a fuss about the guy who smacked you with a tray. "Good." Frieza mumbled and started drifting off to sleep again.

Time Skips One Hour.

"(Y-N) are you in here?" Ginyu pressed a button at the side of the door to get his voice though to you. "Tell him to fuck off." Frieza groaned and put a tighter grip on you as he was only half awake. "No, I best go." You got out of Frieza's arms, slipped your armour back on then went to pay the Ginyu Force.

"Is it all done?" You stepped outside to the Ginyu Force. "Of course, now where do we get this stuff for the new party?" Ginyu replied to you with an excited expression. "Just keep it down will you. Frieza is in there half awake." You commented to keep their voices down. "Hope we didn't interrupt anything thing." Ginyu winked at you then nudged you. "Yeah, you did actually." You looked up to the captain. "Ewww!" The whole Ginyu Force cringed out loud. "Not that. We were only asleep before you decided to wake us up." You pulled out a sheet of paper from inside of your armour. "Thanks, captain, I'm going to have that image in my head all night now." Jeice shivered at Ginyu. "Well here's your receipt for the alcohol I ordered for the party you and the army are having. It should arrive anywhere between five and twenty minutes." You handed the paper to Ginyu. "Wow, you went very far and pricey with this didn't you?" Ginyu took a gaze to the expensive stuff you picked out. "Well you lot are good to me and I'm pretty sure you did a good job in there so I thought some rich stuff will be a good treat. After all, Frieza has enough riches as it is. Enjoy." You explained to your five mates and got ready to head back to bed. "You not joining us?" Guldo commented. "No, I'm too tired and my back has been aching all day." You told and cracked your back. "Fair enough, well if you change your mind you can join us if you wish." Ginyu offered you then patted your shoulder.

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