Frieza X Reader - Part 29 (What happened?)

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As Vegeta flew down to the medics with you in his arm, he came up with the perfect excuses just in case if Frieza found out about the whole drinking situation.

"You lot are doctors aren't you?" Vegeta burst down the door to the medics headquarters. "Yes, that's why we're here." A doctor remained still on the spot from Vegeta's surprise. "Can you sort (Y-N) out? She passed out while she was having a drink with Raditz and myself." Vegeta mentioned and strolled up to the medic. "And Frieza allowed that?" The doctor asked nudging up an eyebrow. "Don't you think that's a stupid question? We're not even drunk, (Y-N) had half a glass then passed out " Vegeta started to get frustrated and tightened his fists. "Yeah, I suppose it is. Well, we'll be able to sort (Y-N) out, we just need to find out what's wrong with her. I'm guessing she's breathing of course?" The doctor pointed out and held his arms out to Vegeta to pick you up. "Yeah, she's breathing. Just make sure she doesn't die." Vegeta got his point across and started to leave.

"Are we safe for now?" Raditz ran up to Vegeta with a more fresh smell on him. "I guess we are for now, as for (Y-N, I'm not sure." Vegeta answered Raditz and walked away from the medical area. "So I sobered up for nothing?" Raditz sighed and crossed his arms while walking with his shorter friend. "Nope, we're not going back to that party. It'll put us in danger if Frieza finds out about (Y-N)." Vegeta raised his voice thinking ahead. "So now what do we do then? Play cards for space pistachios?" Raditz groaned as he knew his fun for the night was gone. "I suppose." Vegeta agreed as he was up for the boring night.

"Ohh (Y-N), what have you got yourself into now?" One of the doctors carried you over to a hospital bed since it wasn't the first time you've ended up at the medics. "So what's wrong with (Y-N) now then? Alcohol poisoning and been beaten till she's half dead? Talk to me, Joga." Another doctor came up to the other to check out the situation. "Well Vegeta claims (Y-N) passed out after having a little drink, she's breathing, but she isn't awake. So I'm a little confused on what to do." Joja explained a bit of the problem to his co-worker. "First of all we need her awake because if we don't wake her up this could be dangerous, she may be a (Your Race) and be able to cope with what state she's in, but we're better safe than sorry." The other doctor planned out. "Right, I'll go get the anaesthesia that wakes people up instead of knocking them out." Joja nodded and went off in a hurry. "I'll put a cannula in her hand and take some blood for testing while you're doing that." The other doctor turned around and picked out a cannula.

In a matter of seconds Joja came back with a syringe full with a see through liquid inside of it and passed it over to his helper.

"Give it a few minutes and she should..." The doctor who injected you with waking up anaesthesia stepped back getting cut off his sentence.

"Aww fuck." You sat up with you eyes wide open and vomited to the side of the hospital bed. "Feeling better?" Joja asked after you threw your guts up. "A little... But I don't know what the fuck happened. I passed out, must have lost consciousness, then my brain woke up but my body was paralysed so I couldn't say anything." You began to panic and get yourself worked up while holding onto your chest. "It's ok, you don't need to worry. Long as if you're awake and know your surroundings that's all we need. But we will have to run some tests on you, not only because we know so little information on your race and because your race is very complicated with its body. But I think there is something serious going on here." The other doctor mentioned as he honestly told you. "That's fine, I don't care what you have to do, just find out what's wrong with me." You replied as you'd honestly do whatever it took to figure out what was going on with you. "Great, I've already taken a blood sample so we might as well get a urine one too." The doctor held out a little tub for you to use. "Great." You lowered your eyes and puffed out some air.

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