Frieza X Reader - Part 49 (Just you wait)

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"Just be quiet when you come in, I'm pretty sure he's asleep." You reminded Raditz and Nappa as you opened the door to your room. "Ok." Both of them said at the same time and followed you over to Kuriza's crib. He was still sleeping with the blanket covering his head and you just left him there for the time being because of how cute and comfortable he was.

"Woah, he's very similar to, Lord Frieza." Nappa recognised and took a look at the new lord. "I know, just imagine when he grows, they'll almost be identical." Raditz added and took a peep with Nappa.

Unfortunately, Kuriza began to wake up and he was NOT happy one bit, even though the Saiyans were quite, Kuriza must have heard them and woke up because of his hearing advantage. Soon as his little eyes opened, they started bringing out tears and the sound of a crying baby came out of his mouth.

"Ohh no, sorry. I think we woke him up, (Y-N)." Nappa turned to you the second Kuriza began crying. "It's fine, I don't know what I was thinking when I said be quiet, he's got spot on hearing even if he's asleep." You mentioned and went to have a look at what was the problem. "Aww, he's pretty cute." Raditz added in aww as you stroked Kuriza face to comfort him. "And tiny." Nappa mentioned as you took him out of his blanket. "He was even smaller than this when he was born." You chuckled calming your son down. "Then again, Frieza is a small one himself." Raditz comically joked and covered the microphone on his scouter. "True, but Kuriza gets the hearing and brown colour from my side. When he's older he might look a bit more like me, it's hard to say." You nodded with a light shrug and sat on your bed so you could easily feed your son.

"I've got THE perfect idea." Raditz clapped his hands together as he watched you bottle feed Kuriza. "Ohh yeah?" You looked up at him. "Because Vegeta is being so stubborn we'll tell him that you want to see him now and it'll trick him into visiting the baby. But to make this even better, hold the bottle closer to your chest so it looks you're feeding him a different way. I reckon that'll make him cringe." Raditz planned out a way you could get Vegeta to say hello to Kuriza. "And you think that'll work?" You raised an eyebrow? "It's possible." Nappa nodded along to Raditz's plan. "Go on then." You spoke and went for it, if there was a chance in getting Vegeta to see Kuriza, it would be this.

"(Y-N) says she needs you for something." Raditz went along with the plan and told the prince once he stopped out of your room. "Ohh Hell no. I heard crying in there so there is no way I'll be going to see (Y-N) if she needs anything." Vegeta exclaimed demanding he would not go and see you. "Seriously? She needs your help with something. We know nothing about it, but it's a possibility you might." Raditz threw his arms out and pointed to the door Vegeta needed to go through. "Fine! But I swear to God, if this is a way to get me to visit that baby, I'll whoop your ass in training!" Vegeta caved in and went through to see you.

"What do you want, (Y-N)? Those two morons out there won't give up." Vegeta asked you as he walked halfway through your bedroom. "Yeah about that." You turned around and went over to Vegeta. "OHH GOD, BAD TIMING!" Vegeta screamed and covered his eyes.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Raditz and Nappa howled from the other side of the door, then you joined in from Vegeta covering his eyes. "Vegeta I bottle feed him, he's got teeth for fuck sake." You admitted and showed Vegeta the trick you managed to pull off. "DAMN IT, I KNEW THIS WAS A TRICK!" Vegeta clenched his fists and turned his back on you. "Aww come on, it was funny." You stepped around to Vegeta and stood in front if him. "It really wasn't." Vegeta folded his arms with his eyes shut.

"Tell you what though, you're not going anywhere. I want you to say hello to my son." You giggled, put Kuriza's bottle down and held him up to Vegeta. "WHAT?! NO?! Why would I want to hold a child?" Vegeta stepped back as he opened his eyes a bit. "Please, just for a minute while I get something to eat, I'm wasting away over here." You begged Vegeta and got a tiny bit closer to him. "...Two minutes and that's it." Vegeta gently took your baby off you and held him carefully. "See, it's not that bad." You told him in aww. "I thought you were wasting away?" Vegeta brought up. "I am, but I think it's adorable that you're holding a tiny Frieza." You replied and picked up some fruit you took from the canteen. "Well hurry up, I'm supposed to be training but instead I'm babysitting while you munch on food." Vegeta growled and started to lose it. "Just you wait." You nodded your head with a smug look knowing that you could use Vegeta's words against him someday.

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