Anthony Trujillo; Father

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Marriage was sweet, especially with your husband, Anthony. You had been married for two years and were blessed with a baby nine months ago.

Anthony was a part of Team 10 and living there until you were married, then he and Jake struck a deal; Anthony would remain in Team 10 but move close by with you. You were thrilled with this decision, because as a newly wed couple you wanted your privacy.

You had housed many a Team 10 member throughout your two years of marriage, especially when relationships in the house were rocky.

Last year you had found out you were pregnant and announced it privately to your husband, who was thrilled. Then you threw a party at your house, "for Anthony," but announced it to all of Team 10. They were so excited, especially Uncle Kade.

You had a really pleasant pregnancy, and you had a particularly short labor, only lasting one hour. Anthony and Tessa were with you when your daughter, Bailey Mae Trujillo was born. 

Ever since that day, she had all of Team 10 wrapped around her little finger and was every bit of a Daddy's girl. She loved you, but when Anthony walked in the room, he was all she wanted. This made working in the Team 10 house hard for Anthony, because he loved her just as much as she did him. So you decided to bring her to the house many times to hang out with him while he worked.

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