Birth of a Perfectionist

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Arc 1- Perfection is Imperfection
Note: This is an original novel by me, Euphonics. I have no idea why and don't know whether I should take this as an insult or compliment but someone added the book to a translated novels reading list.

"Ah this is a bother." I yawned lazily as I leaned on the side of an arcade booth,"I'm finally done. All high scores beaten."

I'd had just beat several world records for the highest scores in arcade games after several days of strategising and playing.

Now you might be thinking, 'Wow! World records, Alexis! World records! You're like the best in the world!' and I'm just gonna stop you right there and break your reality.

What I meant was the world records of humans.

You see, in a world where machines are doing all the work, we literally have processing power second to a machine.

They made no mistakes, no errors in judgements and do everything perfectly.

That's my goal.

I want to be 'Perfect'.

Without errors, without fault and to be looked up to as a living god for my actions that benefit humanity.

Sorry for a bit of a narcissistic comment back there.

Where was I?

Oh right.

I wanted to become perfect.

But in a world where there's a cure for every disease and every strain it has made, in a world where death has been conquered and we are literally immortal and need to be culled by the government after a select amount of years, in a world where computers and phones are a thing of the past.

It's kinda hard to be even anywhere near my final goal.

This place I was in was about to close down too.

'Arcades' were no longer places to hang out, it was a place of nostalgia to these people.

To remember the good old days.

Yeah, I totally would LOVE to go back to the old days when people still died from Aids, HIV, Cancer and would die after only a hundred years give or take.

"Tch." I walk out of the run-down mall, grumpy as ever as my dreams went as unrealised as ever.

Society didn't need malls anymore seeing as teleportation was literally possible and instant delivery was as simple as tapping a screen.

"A waste. A waste I tell you." I muttered as I kicked the ground,"They have all this technology and yet...Yet..."

Alas, there was a single problem humanity could not solve!

The problem of travelling out of this galaxy!

Unless we reached the speed of light, it was impossible.

Y'see, a long time back there was this smartass called Albert Einstein.

This guy formulated equations like beast and one of those equations proved quite soundly that the speed of light could not be reached unless we had no mass-To put in layman's terms that is.

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