Close Call

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A longer chapter double the normal length and some action for you guys, hope you enjoy. c:


Alexis' POV.

The rest of the meeting was much quieter and I soon became acquainted with my partner, Keegan Gale, rank 2 on Careshia, rank 3 in the galaxy.

The schedule was tight and we had to figure out our part as we went along.

"So, uh. We're going to be checking out this area."

"What should I scout for?" I inquired.

"Obvliates, survivors, new materials and signs of other planets invading."

"O-kay. Let's go then."

He shrugged as we walked to our jet,"Y'know, for someone that seemed really arrogant, you're pretty alright."

I chuckled,"I'm not usually uptight and stuff, I just don't like people looking down on me."

"Don't worry about Jenna. She's not usually like that either. She's normally less cranky and more...Normal?"

"Really? She isn't some rich brat?"

Keegan chortled,"Rich brat? Honey, this ain't show off your child to the world like the Genius Camp. Those idiots all have strong powers but no heart. If you want overconfident, narcissistic brats, Genius Camp is where it's at. We're the ones doing the actual work while those idiots sit around and look pretty. One of us is good enough to bring that whole thing down."

"Anyway, Sapphire isn't a rich brat, heavens no. Her dad's an engineer for Gallium and she's just a soldier from the front that got good. Like really good. And here she is now."

"What about you then?" I asked.

"Me? I'm here for my family."


"I used to live on those trash planets, the kind you pureblood Careshian's can't imagine. Obvliates took over and it all went to shit, eh?" He chuckled while shaking his head,"It's all old news. Thousands of people die weekly and I'm just one of many sad stories. Ah-there's our jet."

We got in,"So what's your story missy?"

I was taken aback,"Me?"

"Yeah, aren't you some sorta researcher? Why'd you want to risk your life out on unknown land all of a sudden."

"I...I'm here to right a wrong."

How can someone ever right the wrong of an obvliate emperor?

"Hm." When it became apparent to Keegan that I wasn't talking anymore, he didn't push the topic and changed the subject,"Welp. Time to go."

We took off.


Two hours later.

[We have arrived at the destination. Please disembark.]

"You might wanna-" He threw me a mask that covered my nose and mouth.

"No gas' gonna get through that."

I shrugged and put it on before jumping out.

"Well, see you in a bit." I called out as I jumped out the vehicle.

I scaled a five-storey building with relative ease to get a better lay of the land.

Survivor camps were strewn around the place, obvliates lurking about.

I went back,"Thirty obvliates in a one kilometre area."

"That's quite low. But shit, the radiation on this planet is fucking sky high. It's as bad as the first Eon bomb we dropped on Hescalia."

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