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Surprise Kleinsen because I think it's cute!

Also high key pissed about this song getting cut -_-

Jared knew this day was coming, but now? Out of all the times his dad could've kicked him out, and he chose the worst time of the year. The time of the year with the most storms and the most snow.

Jared had been walking the streets for about two hours now, trying to find a place to stay. First he tried his closest friend, Michael. Michael would've said yes, he really would've, but his one of his moms isn't to fond of Jared. Especially not after seeing him run around in his boxers yelling, "I LOVE DA CRONCH" while eating a bath bomb.

Second on the list was Jeremy but he's away visiting his mom, so we'll give the spot to Connor Murphy. Him and Jared may be close but spending the night? Yeah, no. What if the brunette was high out of his mind again and tried to kiss him? Definitely not happening.

So here we are, third on list. Evan Hansen. Westerberg High's (bitch I did it) well known 'Panic Attack Prince'. Clever, I know. Now, Jared may not like Evan. Well, to Evans knowledge, you know, considering Jared claims to only use him for car insurance. Though, he secretly loved Evans company.

It was around nine in the afternoon (any Panic! At The Disco fans??) when Jared had finally made it to the dirts blondes house. Making his way to the front door, he could hear a familiar voice yelling at Evan, not that he could make out what was being said. Right when Jared was about to knock on the door it got slammed open. A pissed of Connor came out, muttering about how he wasn't setting himself up for heartbreak. Guess he isn't high. Jared thought. Well, yet.

After being pushed aside by the fairly tall brunette, he knocked on the now open door, walking in.

Evan stared at him, confusion evident on his face. He was also having some trouble breathing.

"W-What are you doing here, Jared?" Jared hugged him, trying to calm him down, and told him he needed a place to stay. The slight shaking male agreed to let him stay and led him upstairs to his room.

"One of moms friends is visiting for a few days. That means you're stuck with me." Evans mom had promised to help out a friend who had gotten kicked out by her husband.

Evan told, more like asked, Jared to 'wait here', to which Jared responded with his oh so famous "KiNkY.".

Classic Jared.

After the other male came back, he made a makeshift bed on floor for himself to sleep on, telling Jared he could have the bed.

"So why do you need a place to stay?" Evan was curious. Who wouldn't be? Rolling his eyes, Jared responded. "Dad kicked me out. Called me a 'pathetic asshole who needs to learn some manners'."

Evan just nodded.

"So," Jared started. "What happened with bitchzilla?"

"B-bitchzilla?? Oh! You mean Connor? He found out that I like someone. He was trying to get me tell him, though we broke up months ago, so I don't really see why he cares." He really didn't. He broke up with him. So why should he care?

"Who?" Jared's interest was peaked. "Who do you like?" He shouldn't care, but he felt like he had to ask. Why? He couldn't tell you. He didn't even know himself.

Evan was shocked. Jared was actually interested in his life? He was also kind of panicked. Who did he like? Well the asshole in front of him. He could never tell him that, though. I mean, he'd get rejected and probably have to move at least three states away.

So, instead of being calm, or lying, or any other thing, he got all defensive. "It's none of your business, Kleinman."  He felt like shit after.

"I was just asking, Hansen. No need to get your panties in a twist." The shortish brunette said the anxiety ridden boys name with so much venom you would think he was a murder. Who knows, maybe he is?

Evan apologized.

For the next few minutes the room was filled with silence. You could hear a pin drop. The two boys stared at each other. Clearing his throat, Evan shakily asked Jared if he wanted anything, to which he gave a simple 'no'. An hour had passed, making the time ten. The boys agreed on sleep and laid down.

Later that night it had started to storm, waking up Evan. He's always been a light sleeper.

Evan would never admit to this, but he hates storms. However, while most people are afraid of either the lighting or the thunder, he was afraid of both. Sure, if the right shade of purple, then the lighting was pretty, but how it made the sky look as if it was shaking, he couldn't handle it. And the thunder was just way to loud. He's always hated loud noises.

Evan was scared, he needed some kind of warmth or comfort. He was not about to wake Jared and admit his fears. No, that was not happening. So instead, he sat up against the wall, shaking. He had a blanket wrapped around himself.

The blue eyed male was so frightened by the next stroke of lightning that he whimpered. Then the thunder came, making it worse.

The other woke up after the next few dog like noises and turned on the bed side lamp. Once his eyes got used to the light he looked over to Evan. It looked like he was having a panic attack.

After the next few strokes of lightning and booms from the thunder, Jared understood what was happening. Evans scared of storms. Figures. Jared stood up from the bed and walked over to Evan, sitting down and pulled him into a his side. The shorter male hugged Evan and ran his fingers through his hair, while shushing him. As the storm kept brewing, the worse and worse Evan got. He was crying, shaking, whimpering, everything he had been trying to hide from Jared.

Jared didn't know what else to do and Evan wouldn't calm down.

At one point Jared had stood up, causing the whimpering male to cling onto him for dear life. The comedian let out a little chuckle and picked Evan up, bringing him over to the bed. Once on the bed, Jared layed down and pulled Evan to his lap, so he was straddling him.

After a while the taller male started to doze off. When Jared noticed this, he smiled and gave Evan a small kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, whether you see it or not. Evan, I fucking love you."

Evan, not being fully asleep had heard every word Jared had said and smiled, blushing in the darkness of his room.

"I love you too, Jared."

And with that, he was out like a light.

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Where stories live. Discover now