😎Run Away😎

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This has been sitting in my drafts for months so I'm finishing this before I start on the requests—



Ever since his mother had left when he was nothing but a young boy, Jeremy had grown abandonment issues. It didn't matter who, if Jeremy was even in the slightest bit close to the person, then he would have this fear that they would just up and run without any warning and leave him just like his mother had. This especially happened when Jeremy had finally found himself a lover, a boyfriend, by the name of Richard Goranski.

Jeremy wasn't sure if he could handle another loved one abandoning him.

Rich, upon realizing this, had vowed, to both Jeremy and himself, that he would do everything possible in his power to help his lover, even if it was only in the slightest bit possible.

In fact, to make sure he stays true to his word, Rich would sing to his boyfriend, rather it be over the phone when the couple wasn't together or even in person when they stayed the night at each others houses (which was, more than not, always at Jeremy's house). Jeremy couldn't be any more grateful for his wonderful partner.

And, this just happened to be one of those nights that the couple would spend at the tallers, in this case Jeremy's, house.

It had been around eleven at night when the boys had decided on sleep after watching a movie of the horror/comedy/action genre by the name of 'Zombieland' in the living room (Mr. Heere doesn't trust them after last time). The two had gotten pretty tuckered out and, after turning off the television, made their way up the stairs and to Jeremy's room, where they would be keeping the door open due to, once again, Mr. Heere's orders.

Upon reaching the teenagers room, both Jeremy and Rich laid down on the blue sheeted bed in silence. Rich was on his back with the other on top of him and cuddled up into his clothed chest. The shorted of the two had been running his hand through the others hair when he spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Richie...?" Jeremy asked in a timid voice, to which Rich hummed. "Yes baby?" "Will you... will you sing to me again?"

Rich nodded, a small smile resting on his lips as he opened his mouth to begin singing.

"I love you more and more each day
To love is not to leave
So heere me when I say..."

Jeremy let out a sleepy little giggle in response to the pun, to which Rich chuckled before continuing.

"I may not be wise
And I wont save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I wont run away..."

When Rich finished, he looked down at Jeremy only to find said boy asleep. Rich smiled at the right before letting his eyes close, bringing him into a deep sleep with his lover.

I won't run away...

And he never did, not even at their wedding many years later.

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