👌Fuck me?👌

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Edit: I had to fix something, sorry y'all

It's not smut, get your minds outta the gutter.


Jared hastily paced around his room, thinking of ways to ask out Connor Murphy, not noticing when said boy walked up to his bedroom door.

"Hey Connor, listen, I really like you and-" Jared stopped for a moment, red in the face, shaking his head. "Nah, too straight forward."

Connor looked at Jared, highly amused, resisting the urge to make a gay joke. Straight my ass. This boys as gay as a goddamn box of Froot Loops.

The computer geek was still unaware of his crush's presence.

"Hey Connor," He continued to walk back and forth. "I was wondering if you'd like to on a date with-"

Jared cut himself off once more, still not satisfied with his ideas. Connor just leaned against the door frame, waiting for Jared to notice him.

"Nah, I can't say that to him."

"Hey Connor, would you like to-" Connor, deciding he had had enough of Jared's adorable stupidity, finally made himself known. "Hey Jared."

Jared, who was as red as a his friends Michaels hoodie, turned around in a panic and spat out the first thing that popped into his brain.

"Fuck me?"

Connor raised his eyebrows in amusement and shock as Jared said this. And Jared, who had realized what come out of his big mouth, quickly ran to the farthest corner of his and room and plopped himself down to the floor. He wrapped his arms around his legs and started rocking his body back in forth.

Fuck me? How dumb can you be, Jared?! You dun fucked up, you complete and utter idiot!

"J-Jared?" Connor asked, barely above a whisper and slightly flustered. He was still trying to figure out what the hell was happening. "You okay?"

Jared only nodded as his eyes watered.

"Just pe-peachy." Jared let a few tears fall, thinking of how badly he just messed up.

Connor walked up to Jared and slid down next to him. He wrapped an arm around the others shoulders, pulling him close.

The two boys sat in silence as more of Jared's tears fell down his slightly chubby cheeks, before Connor spoke up.

"I like you, too." Jared looked up at the taller boy, a small smile spreading across his face. "R-really?"

Jared's voice was a little hoarse from his previous crying, but Connor loved it, nonetheless.


The two boys continued to sit there in Jared's floor, not bothering to get up until the owner of the house fell asleep and Connor picked up to put him to bed. He took Jared's glasses off of his face and wiped on any remaining tears. As Connor began to walk away, Jared grabbed his hand and drowsily asked him to stay, to which he agreed. The taller boy laid next to Jared, his chest to the others back.

Both boys slept well that night.


It's been a while since I've written about Connor and Jared. What'd ya think?

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