🎧 Koton Kendi🎧

379 16 4

Filipino Michael? I think yes!

Also pretend everything happened a few years before it actually did please!

Mahal kita - I love you
Mahal din kita - I love you too
Koton kendi - cotton candy

So apparently when I renamed this chapter it didn't save and I just noticed????


"Koton- what?" Rich asked his new found friend in confusion. This made the taller boy giggle.

"Koton Kendi. I think it's 'Cotton candy' in American?" The Filipino boy, Michael, responded. "It is cotton candy right?"


That was years ago. Now the boys are in high school, age sixteen. God, Rich wished they were still close.

The shorter of the two had begged the other for forgiveness many times, but to no avail. Michael may be a forgiving person, but he still hated Rich's guts.

Michael had told Rich he liked him when he turned twelve, two years after the koton kendi incident, and Rich rejected him as human being all together.

Rich is the boy who burned down his best friends house. He doesn't feel things. He burns them. Well, to everyone's knowledge.

So, instead of confronting anyone about his new, gayish, feelings he told Michael to fuck off. But he felt bad.

"Why do I feel so bad?!" Rich cried as he punched his wall.

"Rich? Is everything okay?" The young boy looked at his best friend, who he still apologized to every day.

"Why am I feeling this way? I hurt Michael and I feel (Th)so terrible. Why?" He more so demanded then anything. Jake looked at his friend, smiling.

"Richie, You're in love."

"L-love? But...."

Jake sat down, pulling Rich with him. "It's okay buddy, it's okay."

Now, four years later. Age sixteen. Rich wasn't backing down. Not this time, no. The brunette Filipino would forgive him. He was sure of it.

"Michael!" The freckled boy shouted through the halls of Middle Borough High.

"Michael I need to talk to you!" He had everyone's attention.

"Who's Michael?"
"Does he mean the antisocial headphones kid?"
"What could he possibly want from him?"
"A quick fuck?"
"To burn him?"

That last one hurt. Though Rich was too focused on the previous comment to care.

Rich tried to ignore the murmurs coming from his peers, but let anger get the best of him.

"Who (Th)said that?" Nobody responded. "I (Th)said- WHO THE FUCK (Th)SAID THAT?!"

Everyone backed away, pointing at Ram Sweeney. One of the schools biggest bullies. Next to his best friend, Kurt Kelly.

"Don't. (Th)Say. (Th)Shit. I would never use Michael as a (Th)sex toy! I love him to much to do (Th)so !" Rich couldn't believe he said that, but damn, was he telling the truth.

Rich loved Michael. He loved his tan skin. He loved his chocolate colored eyes. His nerdy, yet cute, circle framed glasses. His dark brown, almost black, hair. His chubby-ish cheeks and the slight chub of his stomach. Everything about him was so wonderful.

"Oh my god! Rich likes Michael?!"

"Rich is totally gay!"

Rich turned to glare.

"I'm totally bi. There's(th) a difference." The short boy was beginning to get impatient. "Where Michael?"

"He's in the bathrooms. Kurt beat him up again!" A brown haired boy known as Dustin, said.

Rich nodded, fuming at the though of his love getting hurt.

"Michael! Are you okay?" The short, freckled, boy asked once reaching the bathrooms.

"G-go away!"

"I'm here to help, okay? I realize now how much of an idiot I was and I want to make it up to you. Is that okay with you, Micha?"

All he got in return was a small sniff and a bathroom stall being opened. The taller boy peeked around the stall door, looking at his ex friend in wonder.

"S-so you don't ha-hate me?"

"No! I could never hate you! Now-" Rich gently brought Michael into his arms, frowning at all his bruises.

"-How about we get you cleaned up and go out for some koton kendi?"

Michael beamed.

"Sound good to you, love?"

Rich got a kiss, which he gladly returned, and a new boyfriend, who he would love dearly until the end of time.

"Mahal kita, Richie."

"Mahal din kita, my little koton kendi, mahal din kita."

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