➖Musicals On CrAcK➖

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I found most of these on Instagram, whoops.


Madison: Hey Thomas?

Thomas: Yes James?

Madison: Pass me the salt

Thomas: Okay *Launches Hamilton across the table*


Zoe: I'm lesbian

Connor: I though you were American


Maria: Stayyy~

John: IM GAY

Maria: *bisexual ginger guns* Hey


Alexander: I couldn't seem to die

Burr: *purchasing a gun* Fools who run their mouths off whine up dead

Burr: *loading the gun* If you talk you're gonna get shot

Burr: *cocking the gun* Soon that attitude may be your doom


Jeremy: What happens if you overdose on Squips?

Michael: nO-

Jeremy: Do you become the Squip?

Michael: Jeremy NO


Jake: Nugs not drugs dude

Michael: but dude, dude. Nugs AND drugs

Jake: shit you right

Rich: *searching through McDonald's bag* They forgot my mug sauce!

Jeremy: if you guys say nugs one more time, I'm going to kill you all

Jake, Michael, Rich: Nugs


Philip: Roses are red, violets are fine. You can't write rhymes but you can't write mine!

King George: Roses are red, elephants are grey. The price of my loves not a price that you're willing to pay!

Eliza: Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm burning the letters that might've redeemed you.

HamilFans: Roses are red, Hercules Mulligan was a spy. Why does Lin have to make me cry?


Jeremy: Can I go see Michael?

Mr. Heere: No

Jeremy: Why?

Mr. Heere: Chores before whores

Jeremy: Dad...

Mr. Heere: Dishes before bitches

Jeremy: Why are you like this?

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu