🌳 Curiosity Killed The Cat🌳

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Why am I writing about cigarettes again?

I have no clue.



Evan and Connor were at a clearing, their clearing, sitting up against a tree. Everything was quiet. Well, everything except for Connors exhaling of smoke after every hit he took from his cigarette.

"C-Connor, I wanna try something." Evan spoke nervously, something he hadn't done with Connor in a while. This worried the taller boy. "What is it, Ev? Nothing bad, right?"

"Well, uh- actually..." Evan started again. "I was, uh, wondering if you could uh- never mind, it's really stupid."

"Babes." Connor said. "It can't be that stupid if it's making me worry about you." Evan blushed at the name.

"Oh, uh, I wanted to, to try smoking..... Not permanently! I just want to know what if feels like! Don't get mad!" Even rushed the words out, feeling as if he disappointed his lover. He was just curious.

"Why would you want to do that? I don't want you getting addicted like me." Evans reply was simply "Curiosity."

Connor sighed, taking another drag from his cancer stick. He breathed out.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Evan."

"And satisfied brought it back!" The slight shorter male said. "Just once? Please?" He begged.

Connor got an idea.

"What if I exhale the smoke into your mouth? That way you technically wouldn't be smoking, but you'd still get the feel of it. Is that okay, baby girl?" Evan thought about Connors proposal for a few minutes before deciding. "Yeah, that's fine." He nodded.

Connor took a drag once again, looked at Evan for approval. Again, Evan nodded and Connor took that as a sign to move closer.

Connor began to exhale, Evan opening his mouth as he did so.

The taller boy watched as his boyfriend slightly inhaled, and smiled when he let out a tiny cough.

"Was that good?" Evan smiled back before replying.

"That was perfect."


So I don't  smoke but my parents and their significant others do and I based this off of what I've seen them do. Sorry if I got any of that wrong.

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