🎉Ripped Pancakes🎉

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Requested by;

Waffles are basically just pancakes with abs.


Jake had learned how to cook at a very young age due to the constant absence of his parents in his life. Jeremy, on the other hand, couldn't cook for shit. So, when the two moved in with each other, Jake was the one who did most of the cooking.

Today just so happened to be one of the many days where Jake did cook.

Jake stood alone in the kitchen, making waffles for breakfast as he waited for his long term boyfriend, Jeremy Heere, to wake up for the day. The man hummed to himself, stirring all the ingredients together for the ripped pancakes.

In fact, Jake was so focused on making the breakfast food that he didn't hear his boyfriend get up and walk into the kitchen. In all honesty, he didn't even notice the other until he had wrapped his arms Jakes waist.

This, of course, startled Jake, causing him to jump and accidentally flung waffle batter everywhere.

Jeremy immediately removed his arms from the other and laughed.

Jake frowned at the mess before an idea came into his head. He chuckled and wiped his hand on the counter, picking up some batter before turning around. The taller male grabbed Jeremy with his non batter covered hand, wrapping his arm around him to restrain him.

Jeremy froze and looked at Jakes other hand. "Jake, baby... what are you gonna do?"

Jake only shrugged, staying silent as he wiped his batter covered hand across the others face.

Jeremy shrieked and broke free from his boyfriends grip, pushing him back slightly. He then grabbed the bowl that contained the rest of the batter and rushed to dump it on Jakes head.

"Jereee...!" Jake whined. Jeremy shrugged, much like Jake had done only a mere few minutes ago. "You started it."

"Did not! You were the one who scared me!"'

"Did to!" Jeremy shot back. "Plus, I didn't even mean to scare you!"

Jake huffed and grabbed a rag from under the sink. "Have cleaning this up. I'm going to go take a shower." He tossed the rag to Jeremy.

Jeremy did clean up like Jake had asked. Admittedly, he did feel bad. And by the time he was done, Jake had come out of the shower and even got everything ready for Jeremy to take one himself.

Once Jeremy was done, he found Jake asleep in the bed and crawled in next to him.  Jeremy curled up against his lover and soon feel asleep to.

By the time the two woke back up, it was around lunch time and, to avoid another batter incident, they had decided on just going out to eat.

Though, Jake did cook again for dinner and this time Jeremy didn't sneak up on him.

In fact, Jeremy had instead given Jake a little 'reward' after they had finished eating. But alas, that is a story for another day.


This turned out way different then the first draft I did of it but I think I like it better.

Which request should I write next:

Jake x Michael (fluff)

Michael x Evan (fluff)

Jared x Connor (fluff)

There's more but these are the ones I want to focus on first.

Anyway, how are y'all?

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