🎡Michaels Moms🎡

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I used google translate for a few words so please correct me if I get anything wrong.

Jonah - Ina
Linda - Mama


Mrs. and Mrs. Mell weren't just mother figures to their son, Michael, no, they were also mother figures to their sons friends, and especially to his boyfriends, Jeremy Heere, Rich Goranski, and Jake Dillinger. This was for a variety for reasons, from the two ladies just being sweet to the subject of the other boys mothers.

By this I refer to Jeremy's mother leaving him and his father at a young age, Rich's mother being hospitalized and soon dying due to his fathers abuse, and Jake's mother being to busy laundering money with his father to even remember to at least call him on his birthday.

The boys needed a mother and what they got was two very loving women who treated them as their own. So, of course, when the day came, all three boys (plus the mothers son) felt as if treating the two mothers to a very special treat was something that they not only wanted, but also needed to do.

Michael and his boyfriends talked about this for hours and hours on end before finally deciding on what to do. And once they decided, they put their plan into action.

Saturday night Rich, Jeremy, and Jake had all spent the night at Michaels house, confirming all the details with each other before all falling asleep cuddled up together on Michaels bed.

When Sunday morning rolled around, the four lovers all got up early and headed to the kitchen to attempt at making the mothers a enjoyable breakfast. Once they finished, which ended up being about two hours later, they brought the food to Linda and Jonah's room. The mothers ate their love filled breakfast with their boys, praising them on their surprisingly good job.

After breakfast, the boys went back to Michaels room and left the two women alone for a while so they could get ready for the rest of the day.

Back in the teenagers room, Jake and Jeremy wrapped presents, that definitely should've been wrapped days ago, while Rich basically forced Michael to clean up all the dirty clothes from the floor of his room. Because, in Rich's words, "The floor thould not look like a fucking thity dump!" (The floor should not look like a fucking city dump). Michael groaned at his short companion but complied, nevertheless.

Once Michaels room no longer looked like a fucking pigsty, again Rich's words, the boys headed downstairs with the skillfully wrapped presents that definitely didn't look like a two year old wrapped them. In Jake and Jeremy's defense: "Aligning and them keeping the wrapping paper aligned to tape it is hard!"

The boys sat Jonah and Linda down on the couch and handed the their presents.

"Aw, lalaki, you didn't have to get us anything!" (Boys). Michael smiled at Jonah, his birth mom. "But Ina, we wanted to!" (Mom). Jonah and Linda pulled their son in for a hug before opening their presents.

Their presents consisted of; A colorful bouquet of flowers, free massage coupons, hair dye (for those "pesky gray hairs", according to Linda), a variety of different kinds of chocolates, and...

"You got us reservations for the most expensive restraint in town?!" Linda exclaimed and they boys all nodded, big smiles evident on their faces. "Oh, anak! You really shouldn't have!" (Son). Jonah stood up to kiss her son the cheek, then moved down the line to give Jake, Jeremy, and Rich all kisses on the cheek as well. Linda smiled and gave them all hugs.

"Oh, you guys, this is absolutely amazing! Thank you!" The two mothers thanked their boys before running off to their like teenagers going on their first date to get ready.

Michael, Jake, Rich, and Jeremy all wished them a happy date before going back to Michaels room to set up a few things before Linda and Jonah left.

The boys would be having some fun of their own today.

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