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(Noun) The fear of shock. Used to describe very bad news or an electrical charge to the body.

-Abuse (shocks)


Every night Jeremy was accompanied by the same nightmare, causing him to relive the same shocks that were once sent through his body as a punishment from the Squip.

This night was no different. Jeremy would struggle to stay awake, eventually passing out, and wake up in a cold sweat as the nightmares ended for the night. Once he was sure that he was awake, Jeremy would chug a half a bottle of Mountain Dew Red in an attempt to shut off the voice that never seemed to quiet down.

However, this night did have one small difference; Jeremys best friend of twelve years, Michael Mell, was over and he had no clue of the nightly terrors that Jeremy went through. Hell, Michael didn't even know that Squip shocked him!

Nonetheless, Michael was over and Jeremy couldn't do anything to stop himself from falling into a deep slumber.


"Oh Jeremy..." The Squip said in the most menacing voice ever, sending a jolt of electricity through Jeremy veins. "I'll always be here, you know. I'm not ever leaving."

Jeremy fought against the oncoming tears, trying to stop them and failing, as another shock went through his skin figure.

"P-please! Just, just st-stop!" The boy cried out in overwhelming amounts of pain. The Squip only laughed.

"Not until you reach your goal; Christine." Another shock. "That's not, that's not my goal! My goal is Michael!"

The Squip gave a disappointment frown. "That won't ever happen. Michael is a loser, you will not be the same. You will be with Christine!" Jeremy only shook his head.

"I don't want to be with her! I want to be with Micha-" Jeremy was cut off by another, stronger volt of electricity. The shocks were slowly, but surely, going to kill him if they continued.

"None sense! You will be with Christine, Michael is only a causality that can easily be forgotten." The Squips eyes shone blue as they looked at Jeremy, seeming as if they were looking through his soul. "But I lov-"



Jeremy awoke in a river of tears, his body jolting up with that last shock. Michael was shaking him, asking if he was okay, but he only cried harder and tucked his knees into his chest, wrapped his arms around them.

"Jeremy, are you okay?! Never mind, that was stupid! I- uh- what's wrong?" Michael continued to ramble on about some random nonsense, trying to ask Jeremy what the nightmare had been about. "It was nightmare, right? What was it about?"

Jeremys body shook as sobs racked through it. He could still feel the electricity jolting through out his body.

"Jerebear..." Michael made a move to hug him. "Is it okay if I touch you?"

Once Michael got confirmation that he could, he fully wrapped his arms around Jeremys skinny frame, pulling their bodies together. Jeremy whimpered, his head laying in the crook of Michaels neck. He let the tears fall freely and they soaked through the others hoodie.

"Hey, Jere, it's okay." Michael started, running his fingers through Jeremy lift brown locks. "You'll be okay."

Jeremy seemed to calm down at the tone of Michaels voice, his tears appearing at a slower rate until there was only an occasional droplet of water hitting Michaels clothed shoulder.

"...Thank you..." Jeremys voice was nothing but a soft murmur. Michael understood him, though. "Anything for you, Jearbear."

Jeremys night terrors seemed to cease whenever he was Michael, only making him fall for the boy more than already had. Jeremy hadn't thought of that being able to happen, as he loved Michael greatly, though it did and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He only wished for Michael to feel the same.


Part 2?

Or any other requests??

Also, I'm sick so yay for that.

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Where stories live. Discover now