🔥Homophobia got your tongue?🔥

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Requested by; ImTheLastTrashArtist

Soulmate Au! Whatever you write on your skin appears in your soulmates! Also, Rich never had a Squip, in fact, no one did

-F slur;
I'm sorry. I hate that word so much but it's for the story. I feel so bad using it.


Jake Dillinger was homophobic.

Everyone knew this, it was seen from a mile away. However, he never had a reason. He'd always ridicule people for being gay yet not once did he ever give a reason for doing so.

Was he hiding something?
If so, what?


Rich walked through the school halls, humming to himself. He looked around for his friends, Michael Mell and Jeremy Heere. They had been dating for a few years now (they found out they were soulmates at a young age) and Rich was envious of them.

How could they walk around with pride after what Jake had done to them? After he had beat them up so badly? Rich didn't know how they did it, but he only wished that he could do the same.

While Rich was walking, he felt something on his arm. I did it again.

Rich wrote back. Why? You could've just ended someones life?!

Rich had no idea who his soulmate was, though he did know something about them. They were a guy and they had a tendency to lash out at their fears and insecurities, hurting others to make themselves feel better.

I don't know. I just saw two guys holding hands and got jealous that they could be so confident in their relationship. They saw me and tried to avoid me but I lashed out again. Rich shook his head. He really needed to meet his soulmate and knock some sense into him.

Finally, Rich had spotted the two boys. He opened his mouth to call out to them before realizing, and analyzing, their situation.

Michael was on the ground with a broken nose and his glasses smashed to pieces beside him, Jeremy was on his knees above him, bearing a the same pain. Each had multiple bruises and small cuts across their arms and legs. Both were crying.

Rich quickly ran up to them. "Oh my god, what happened?!" "J-Jake..."

Jeremys broken sob filled Rich with rage. He rubbed Jeremys shoulder and kneeled down, helping to prob Michael up against the lockers. "Do you guyth want me to get the nurthe, or will you be fine?" Jeremy shook his head dismissively.

"We'll be fine. Don't do anything stupid, Rich. Please." Jeremy warned. Rich nodded, running off after saying a goodbye.

You see, what Rich lacked in height, he made up for in strength. He was a short, furious bi. Not a good mix with the amount of muscle he had.

The short bisexual walked with a fire in his eyes. He made his way out the school doors and two the parking lot, where he knew Jake would be as it was the end of the day. He was.

"Hey, tall ath!" Rich yelled, grabbed Jakes attention. "Yeah, you! What giveth you the right to pick on my friendth?!"

"You mean the f**s? They deserve it! And so will you, bi boy, if you don't leave me alone!" Rich almost froze a Jakes taunts. How did he know? Rich shook his head. That didn't matter right now.

"You can't do thit to me, athhole!" Jake only smirked, ready for a fight. "What'th your problem with gayth anyway?! Are you hiding thomething, Mr. I'm-Thi-Perfect?!"

Jake was the one to freeze this time. "That ain't none of your business. Now scram, for I do something I won't regret."

"No. Not until you tell me why you thould be able to walk all over me and my friendth and get away with it! Tho why, huh?! Why does it matter that we aren't thtraight?! Unleth..." Rich paused, implying something that seemed to piss Jake off.

"Unless what, you f**?!" "Unleth you're not completely thtraight either." That comment set Jake off as he threw a weak punch towards Rich.

Rich didn't move and only smirked. "Homophobia got your tongue?"

"Fuck off!" Jake turned away as he yelled this. "Just leave me alone..."

That's when Rich saw that Jakes usual red letterman jacket was gone. He had writing on his arms. Jake seemed to notice this about Rich, too.

"No!" Rich shouted once again, though this time he had different intentions. "I could help you figure thith out. Just pleathe, thop hurting my friendth..."

Jake nodded his head and gave a weak reply. "Okay..."


Excuse while I go scold myself for using that horrid term.

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