🎮Freeze Your Brain🎮

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Hehehe I got this idea while listening to the Heathers soundtrack.

Jeremy as JD
Michael as Veronica

(Not following the scene perfectly)

It was one in the morning and Michael was at the local Seven Eleven. He couldn't sleep and he was craving hot Cheetos. 

As he walked towards the middle of the store, he saw someone by the slushy machine.

At this time of night? Eh, not gonna judge. Michael thought. Though, he is kinda cute. He blushed. "Damn my gay feelings." The boy looked over, confused. Great job, Michael. He saw you talk to yourself and probably thinks you're crazy.

"Hey!" They boy waved him over. He looked a few inches taller then Michael. "Hot Cheetos this late? Honestly, I do it all the time. So, what's you're name?"

Michael was surprised. The cute boy wanted to talk to him? He couldn't believe it. "I- uh- Michael. It's Michael Mell. H-how about you?" Michael mentally punched himself as he walked over to the other. Idiot. Don't stutter.

"Names Jeremy Heere. I'm new here. Do you go to Middle Borough High?" Michael nodded and smiled.

"Where'd you move here from?"

Jeremy slurped his slushy before chucking. "Too many places to remember."

I've been through ten high schools
They start to get blurry
No point planting roots
Cause you're gone in a hurry
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den
So it's only a matter of when

Jeremy looked at the slightly shorter boy with hope. He doesn't want to leave him.

I don't learn the names
Don't bother with faces
All I can trust is this concrete oasis
Seems ev'ry time I'm about to despair
There's a 7-Eleven right there
Each store is the same
From Las Vegas to Boston
Linoleum aisles that I love
To get lost in
I pray at my altar of slush
Yeah I live for that sweet frozen rush

Michael looked Jeremy, not believing how many places he had lived in. Yet, he still seemed to trust what he said, he did seem emotional about it, after all. Jeremy continued, swirling his slushy around.

Freeze your brain
Suck on that straw
Get lost in the pain
Happiness comes
When everything numbs
Who needs cocaine?
Freeze your brain
Freeze your brain

The tanner of the two didn't know what to say, fore he did just smoke a blunt not to long ago. Nonetheless, he nodded. The cold drink was better than cocaine or any other drug.

Care for a hit?

Michael gratefully took the drink from the taller boys hand, taking a sip before handing it back. A question had popped up in his mind.

Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?

The answer he received left him shocked.

Not anymore
When mom was alive
We lived halfway normal
But now it's just me and my dad
We're less formal

Michael never knew what it was like to have a dad considering the fact that he had two mothers, but he felt for the guy.

I learned to cook pasta
I learned to pay rent
Learned the world doesn't
Owe you a cent

Jeremy's face revealed many emotions, one of them being anger, though it left as quickly as it came.

You're planning your future
Michael Mell
You'll go to some college
And marry a gamer
But the sky's gonna hurt
When it falls
So you better start
Building some walls

Michael could only imagine all the walls Jeremy had built. Though, he had built many himself.

Freeze your brain
Swim in the ice
Get lost in the pain
Shut your eyes tight, till you vanish
From sight
Let nothing remain

Jeremy looked at Michael, noticing how he ever so slightly shifted his sleeve.

He knew what that meant.

Freeze your brain
Shatter your skull
Fight pain with more pain
Forget who you are
Unburden your load
Forget in six weeks you'll be back on
The road

The taller looked as if he might cry. Michael stepped forward, just incase he needed to comfort the other.

When the voice in your head
Says you're better off dead
Don't open a vein
Just freeze your brain

Jeremy took another sip of his slushy.

Freeze your brain

He then offered it to Michael, once again.

Go on and freeze your brain

Michael obliged and took it.

Try it

As Michael sipped on the straw, he couldn't help to think. Could I stop Jeremy from feeling this way?

"Jeremy, do you wanna stay at my place tonight?" Michael was answered with a smile.

Maybe I can.

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