🌳Three Minutes🌳

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Random fact: it takes 3 minutes to die of suffocation


Connor stared at the rope in front of him, void of any emotion.

He was going to do this. He was going to end his horrid life and being the pain to the end. Not only his, but also the pain of those around him.

Connor stepped on the chair, putting he rope around his neck, deciding that this was for the best.

He kicked away the chair.


Minute One.

Evan looked at the clock in front of him; 11:57, it read. He had three minutes to get to Connors house at twelve, the time Evan had agreed to meet with the taller.

Connor didn't live but only a minute or two away so Evan usually waited.

Evan finally grabbed his jacket, deciding that now was time to leave. He snuck out his window, climbing down one of the many trees by his bedroom window.

The shorter boy slowly started walking in the direction of Connors house. As Evan walked, he admired the scenery around him. The beautiful night sky, filled with shiny balls of gas. The variety of succulents. The trees, the bushes, the lovely, vibrant flowers.

Minute Two.

Evan looked at it all, stopped every few seconds to look a the squirrel who seemed to be scurrying in front of him.

He thought nothing of it and continued down the sidewalk that lead to his lovers house.

Soon, Evan heard the crowing a bird. He jumped, turning around in an instant. It was a shiny, black crow, whose feathers seems to reflect a dark blue as the moonlight hit them.

Evan quickly began to walk again, now startled.

Alas, Evan finally reached his destination.

He went to the back of the house, climbing up a tree that he knew would lead him to Connors room. It'd be easy for him to get in, as Connor never locked the windows.

Evan made his way up the tree.

Once up at the right level, Evan slowly pushed in Connors window.

Minute Three.

Connors hand flinched one last time before his whole body seemed to go limp.

Evan screamed at what he saw, alerting Connors family, who were terrified at the sight.

The police were called and Connor was pronounced dead at exactly twelve o'clock.


I want to die.

I just don't feel like I'm enough for anyone. I mean, there's so much people out there who are better than me, so why should anyone waste their time with my bullshit? And there's so wrong with me, I'm just a burden to everyone. I wish my mom had gotten another abortion instead of birthing me.

Anyway, how was your day?

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