👌Connors Squip👌

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(Pray to our lord and savior Jesus Faist)

It's Jared.

Connors Squip is Jared and you can't tell me otherwise.

Actually, for the sake of this one shot, the Squip only looks like Jared but still.


Connor looked down at the grey, oblong pill in his hands. He popped it into his mouth and took a swig of Mountain Dew.

Nothing happened at first, disappointing Connor, though he soon fell to the ground, shrieking in pain.


Connor woke up to see a short and slightly chubby brunette boy sitting at his desk. He quickly sat up, panicking.

"Calm down, Connor. I'm your Squip, Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor." The boy said without turning his head.

"Am I high?" "No." The Squip chuckled. "Though you are the only one who can see or here me."

Connor nodded. "Why do you look like Jared?" "I am taking form of who you feel most comfortable around. Was I correct?" "Yeah, I guess."

"Good." The Squip stated. He got up and sat next to Connor on the bed. "Your goal is to get Jared to like, yes?" Connor nodded again. "Then you don't really me."

Connor gave the Jared look a like a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I accessed your memories while you were sleeping, I hope that's okay, and from the way that this boy looks at you is quite amusing. Though, if you do not believe me, then I'd like to see you two together. It'll help me calculate your next move." The Squip grabbed Connors phone, hacking into it and texting Jared. "You two will meet up in one hour. We need to get you ready."


Ten minutes before the meeting time, Connor had taken a shower, washed and dried his hair, put it up into a bun, and changed. He wore black jeans and a black jacket with a light grey shirt underneath.

"Where am I ever supposed to be going?" Connor asked as the Squip hurried him out the door. "And why are you rushing me, I still have like ten minutes."

"The old, abandoned apple orchard. Do you have a car?" Connor shook his head no. "That's why I'm rushing you, because you have to walk!"


Jared had been delighted and overjoyed when Connor asked him if he wanted to meet up. This was something that people wouldn't expect, but Jared knew otherwise as he a small crush on the Murphy boy.

The short boy got ready quick, daydreaming (about Connor) for most of the hour he had to get ready. But when the time came, Jared almost ran all the way to the orchard, though he stopped himself and got into his to drive.

Upon reaching the orchard, Jared was disappointed to see that Connor wasn't there yet. He decided to wait.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, Connor arrived.

"Hey, Sorry I'm late!" He apologized, tapping on the window of Jared's car. Jared smiled and opened the door. "'S fine."


Connor grabbed Jared's hand, pulling him deep into the orchard. Both blushed, though the other didn't notice.

Why am I holding his hand? Wait- I'm holding his hand!

To see how he reacts. Now, stop by those tulips and sit down.

Connor nodded to himself, asking Jared if he wanted to sit down. Jared said yes, following Connor as he sat down in front of the tulips. Connor let go of Jared's hand, both frowning in the inside. The sat there for hours, talking about things they liked and things they hated. They talked a variety of things and even picked a few flowers.

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