🎉Philophobia Pt.3🎉

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Don't worry, this part will be happy! (Well, it was until I decided to make this a story. Yeah- read the authors note at the end for details!)

Also, thank you Walls_Could_Talk for helping me with this! You're a great friend!<3

(Are we friends?? If not, then I'd like ask you if you want to be my friend??)


Jeremy quieted himself, snuggling into Jakes arms as he become calm. Jeremy believed Jake.

"Th-thank you, Jake..."


Weeks later and the high school was buzzing with gossip and rumors about what could've happened to Jeremy.

Did he die?

I heard his boyfriend killed him self.

Do you think he was trying to join him?

I think he got hit by a car.

Maybe he's being abused?

He probably just wants attention.

Comment after comment after comment, they just wouldn't stop. Jeremy wasn't sure how much more of this he could take before he broke.


"Hey Jeremy." Jake said to the male who was approaching their lockers, as they were right next to each other. "Hey. What's up?"

Jake slammed his locker shut, startling Jeremy. "Sorry, it's just, people keep asking me about you and what happened and... and I don't think I can take it anymore! It's not their business! The reason they want to know is so they can change the damn story and continue gossiping about it!" By now, Jake was livid, his voice getting louder with each sentence he said.

"If I could start a fight without getting in trouble, they'd be half way across the fucking ocean!" Jake didn't even realize that Jeremy was whimpering until it was too late and the boy was in tears.

"Jeremy? Nonono, don't cry!" The taller boy quickly wrapped the other in a hug, pressing a soft kiss into his messy hair. "I'm sorry, Jeremy, It's okay."



Okay, so I know this is short and I'm sorry bUT-

I'm ending this heere and turning it into a story! I'm not sure how much longer the story will continue after this but i do already have some stuff written for it! It'll be the same name, "Philophobia", and the chapters will be 3-4 hundred words each.

Please go check it out!

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