🌳School Project Pt.2🌳

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Me taking forever to finish a request??



The two boys continued meeting up for the next few weeks to finish their projects. Sometimes just to talk. Evan enjoyed Connors presence and Connor, even if he wouldn't admit it, felt the same.

When together the two would talk for hours on end about random things. They'd talk about everything; From trees and other various plants and succulents, to the endless stars that accompanied the night sky. Hell, they even talked about their feelings. Whenever this would happen, both boys would listen intently, either venting back, or, if needed, doing their best to console the other.

Connor and Evan both greatly appreciated the others efforts.

More than once would one of them start crying. though. Sometimes, however, the tears were over nothing. And more than once, the two would share a lengthy, much needed hug in an attempt of comfort. They even got lost in each others touch, the feeling acting as drug as they could never get enough.

And while Connor and Evan were both aware of the growing feelings in their chests, neither of them were confident enough to admit it. Actually, both of them were to scared to even say anything.

Despite the strong feelings for one another, Connor refused to believe that Evan even wanted to be his friend. He just couldn't. I mean, why should he? Nobody ever wanted to hang out with the school druggie, with a freak, so why would that change now? Connor just couldn't believe that anyone, much less the shy, socially awkward kid known as Evan Hansen, would ever want to be his friend. it all just seemed so surreal. Nevertheless, the two boys still hung out, and Evan still wanted to be Connors friend. Maybe even something more.

One day, however, Connor was mildly worried that he had ruined everything.

Connor, who had been having an extremely bad/hard/rough day (though we wont talk about that), lashed out at Evan in a huge fit of rage. The taller male was beyond pissed, yelling at his new found friend and crush until he was nothing but a crying, blubbering mess on the floor.

Evan started to sob uncontrollably as Connor shouted at him. Small, kitten like whimpers left his mouth as his breathing hitched, picking up. He couldn't breathe. Not only that, but the other male only watched, his cold, icy glare pierced into Evans skin. It felt as if Connor could see his soul, that's how harsh his eyes were.

The shorter male could feel his body shaking and trembling as the tears fell from his eyes and down his cheeks, rolling off of his chin and onto his shirt. The tears seemed endless, never once stopping as Evan broke down and Connor yelled.

Evan, even though he hated to admit it, was scared. Really fucking scared.

Connor, after realizing what he had done, quickly went into a state of panic, doing something that he never thought he would. He kissed his best friend. Connor Murphy kissed Evan Hansen.

Time seemed to freeze as the boys lips met.

Evan began to calm down, happy that he wasn't being yelled at anymore, and Connor started to internally freak out, thinking that he had just mega fucked up what he had already ruined.

However, that didn't seem to be the case.

Connor pulled away, looking at Evans reaction. Evan looked stunned, though he still had tears in his eyes and his body shook slightly as he looked the other in the eyes. The taller, seeing Evans state, pulled him into a tight hug. Silent tears pricked at the corner of his own eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Connor whispered into Evans ear, genuinely feeling bad for what he had down only a few mere moments earlier. He chocked back a sob. "I-I'm so sorry! God, Evan, I'm so so-sorry!"

Evan smiled, rubbing Connors back, telling him that it was okay. Yes, Connor had lashed out at him, but Evan knew that Connor was trying to get better. He knew that Connor really did care and that he didn't mean anything that he had said.

Connor didn't think he deserved forgiveness, but Evan did. Evan forgave him.

Soon, the two had both calmed down, laying in Connors messy bed. They cuddled up to each other in a comfortable silence, Connor laying on Evans chest as Evan ran his fingers through the tallers long hair. Half asleep, Connor broke the silence.

"Evan..." "Yeah?" The shorter quietly responded. "I'm sorry 'bout earlier. I didn't mean it."

Evan shook his head. "Shh... I know you didn't, Con. I know."

Connor buried his head into Evans chest. Evan blushed at the contact, his thoughts going back to the kiss that him and Connor had shared but only a few hours ago.

"Hey Con?" There was a small 'hum' from said boy, a tingling sensation going through Evan as he felt the vibrations from Connors response. "The kiss, did you uh- did that kiss mean anything?"

Connor smiled, softly replying. "Yeah."

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