😬Bisexual? Bisexual.😬

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Requested by;
craftymyths & @menadvg

This really fluff but uh- heere


Michael had, had quite the aggravating day and needed someway to relief himself from all his pent up stress and anxiety. Thus, he had decided on going down to the towns most known lgbtq+ bar (which one of his friends just so happened to own, though he wasn't working tonight); Bi Fires. He was hoping to bring home a cutie, and from the looks of things, he just might.

Evan, on the other hand, had decided on coming to the bar of homosexuals, for homosexuals for a completely different reason; to experiment on his sexuality. Sure, Evan had been straight all his life, or at least that's what he had always thought of himself as, but recently... Well, recently he had been seeing guys in a different light.

Nevertheless, these two men, who had never had any previous encounters, had somehow ended up at the same gay bar on the same exact night.

Michael looked around the small bar, spotting a lonely, light brown haired man. He saw the man look up and immediately knowing, upon locking his chocolate colored eyes with this mans sea blue eyes, that this cutie was who he wanted to see in his bed tonight.

Evan had turned red upon seeing the other had begun walking towards him.

"Hey." Michael began, flashing the other a friendly smile. The man looked uncomfortable. "You okay? You look kind of... lost."

"I, uh- I've never been in a gay bar before so that... that might explain it." Evan revealed, though he wasn't quite sure why the man would need to know that, but alas, he still spoke it, smiling a small smile of his own. "Really?" "Really."

The Filipino nodded, reaching out a hand. "Well then, how about we ditch this place? We can go get ice cream from down the street?" Evan took his hand and stood, finding some weird sense of comfort from Michael. "Sure. Just don't try anything." The man promised that he wouldn't.

The two males then left the bar and headed down the street, where a tiny little ice cream parlor called 'A La Móde' was located.

"So..." Evan spoke once they got to the parlor. "I never got your name." "Michael, you?" Evan held up a finger, stuttering out an order for a cup of strawberry ice cream. "Evan." Michael nodded, ordering two scoops of vanilla in a cone.

"That'll be three dollars and twenty cents." The women behind the counter said, looking at Michael. Said male reached for his wallet, only to be stopped by Evan. "Here, I got this."

Michael thanked the other for paying and the two sat down. They talked for hours on end, just getting to know each other and having a good time. The two both really enjoyed the others company, being grateful for the bar and being able to meet each other. The pair actually wished that maybe their new found friendship could turn into something more.

However, Evan was still questioning his sexuality.

Michael, who, admittedly, had been doing most of the talking, began to focus their current conversation to this subject, feeling that he may be able to help the other.

"So, Evan..." The man in question hummed in response. "I'm gay, though you could probably tell, what about you?" Evan gave a brief laugh. "I could tell. And, I'm not really sure. All my life I've been attracted to girls, but now..." "Now you're not so sure?" He nodded.

"Well, you know you like girls, yes?" The darker skinned male asked, determined to help out his new friend. "Yes." "And you think you may like dudes?" The blonde nodded. "Do you think that maybe you're bi?"

Evan only gave a confused look. "Bisexual is when you like two genders, usually male and female. Does that sound like you?"

"Bisexual." Evan smiled, testing out the word. "Yeah, I think that's it. Thank you, Michael."

"Anytime." Maybe Michael didn't need to bring anyone home tonight.

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