🎵Jared Was🎵

168 14 1

-self hatred


Jared Kleinman loved his friends and boyfriends with all his heart, yet he didn't love himself at all.

Connor was skinny, Jared was not.

Evan was adorable, Jared was not.

Zoe was kind, Jared was not.

Alana was funny, Jared was not.

The more and more Jared compared himself to his friends, the more and more he needed to be reassured.

Connor and Evan, who knew their boyfriend very well, could tell that something was up with Jared. They also knew that Jared had a tendency to doubt himself.

So, they came up with a plan.

One night, after Jared had fallen asleep, the two taller boys got to work.

Evan and Connor got sticky notes and wrote everything they loved about Jared on them, sticking them to the mirror. Evan baked Jared cookies and brownies, which Connor put weed in. Connor made Jared a blanket with animals in it. Both boys went out and bought Jared some new computer stuff, along with a giant stuffed dog. They did everything they could think of for their beautiful, teddy bear of a boyfriend before he woke up. Hell, they even got Zoe and Alana to pitch in and each write a paragraph on why they enjoyed Jared's companies.

Both Connor and Evan climbed back into bed that night with smiles on their faces, hoping that Jared would start loving himself.

Once morning came, Jared was the first to wake up. He headed to the bathroom, not noticing the rainbow that covered the mirror until was about to judge himself once more. When he did see the sticky notes, however, he started to cry.

His two lovers woke up to his cries, running to the bathroom to make sure he was okay.

"Jare?" Evan said with a soft voice. Connor asked the next question. "You okay?"

Jared nodded, quickly pulling his boyfriends into a tight hug. "I love you guys, so fucking much."

Evan and Connor smiled, excited to show Jared everything else they had for him.

And, for the first time in a while, Jared felt as if he was.

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