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Small drabble + Anorexic! Jared


Jared stared at the plate of food in front of him, a look of disgust flashing across his face. He didn't want to touch it. No, scratch that- he didn't even want to look at it. He just wanted to throw it away, never to be seen again. Yet, how could Jared do that when his loving boyfriend, the one who made the food, was sitting right across from him, expecting some kind of reaction to his cooking? Simple, Jared couldn't.

As Jared saw the expectant look on Evans face, he took a tiny bite of the dish in front of him, a small smile taking form on his face. The food tasted good, he wouldn't lie, but the shorter boy couldn't help but to feel sick. Nevertheless, Jared told Evan how good of a job he did at cooking and took another small bite.

"Whelp," Jared said sometime after his second bite, "I'm full."

Evan frowned. "Do you not like it?"

Jared momentarily panicked, rushing to reassure his boyfriend. "No! No, its great, really it is! Its just, uh- Its just I'm not that hungry right now." Evan gave a meek "Okay..."

The brunette quickly hugged his boyfriend, telling him how truly amazing the food really was. "I'm sorry EV, I seriously am. Its not the food, I swear, because that tastes absolutely wonderful, I'm just not hungry. I had a big, um- a big breakfast...?" Even though that last statement came out more as a question, Evan seemed to believe it.


Short because I'm too busy trying to figure out how to inject Fruity Pebbles into my bloodstream

Part Two???

Mountain Dew Red // Be More Chill + Dear Evan Hansen Where stories live. Discover now