🎮Hormephobia Pt.3🎮

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Once both boys finally realized what they had done in their high state of mind, they quickly pulled their lips apart from the others and began to sober up. Michael moved off of his best friend and scooted as far away as he could, which wasn't very far considering he would soon fall off the bed. Jeremy, on the other hand, stayed laying down, too much in a state of shock to move.

What had Michael just done?


The boys sat on opposite ends of the twinks bed, neither making eye contact as they looked any where else than at each other. The room was as quiet as a graveyard.

Jeremy shifted awkwardly from his position at the top of the bed, his heart and mind racing as if they were in a marathon. You're best friend, you're CRUSH just kissed you! Michael fucking Mell just kissed you! Oh my god, ohmygod! Wait, you're both high. Fuck...

Michaels thoughts weren't much better. You just kissed the boy of your dreams! Why would you do that?! He probably hates you!

Michael and Jeremy were both internally panicking, some of it showing through to the outside in random motions caused by uncontrollable fidgeting.

"So- um- uh- hi?" Jeremy tried to break the silence, though it only seemed to made the situation more awkward. Michael responded. "Hey..."

"Jeremy, look, I know I shouldn't have done that. Being high isn't an excuse. I'm sorry for kissing you like that and, and fuck!" Michael started to tear up. "I'm so sorry, it's just, I kinda sorta really fucking like you, Jeremy..."

Jeremy blushed. "I- uh- I kinda sorta really like you, too..." Michael shifted his body to face the others, just in time for Jeremy to hug him, too.

"So your not mad...?" "Never."

The two boys shared one last kiss before mandatory cuddles forced them into a blissful sleep. And hey, the Hormephobia may have still been present in Jeremys list of main fears, but the nightmares weren't as prominent. He only had Michael to thank for this small miracle.

He even summoned up the courage to tell him about the nightly terrors that haunted him, and Michael was with him every step of the way.

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