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{Edit: I have an emoji for these four now}

These four together is adorable and no one can tell me otherwise.

Enjoy some fluff filled trash!


Jeremy, Michael, Rich, and Jake all laid together in their king sized bed, their chests rhythmically moving up in down with every small breath they took as they slept peacefully. Jeremy and Rich were on the outside, Rich on the left and Jeremy on the right, as they were always the first to wake up (having the Squip for so long was part of the reason for this). Jake and Michael laid in between the two, cuddled up together while the others had their arms around them.
Everything was quiet, not a sound could be heard.

It was perfect.

However, after a while, the group slowly started to wake up.

Rich, as usual, was the first one out of the four to wake up. He stayed in bed for about two minutes more before unwrapping himself from around Michael. He then got up, making sure to be quiet, before slipping out of the room, making his way downstairs and to the kitchen.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Rich made his way to the coffee maker, knowing that Jeremy would want some once he woke up, which was usually only a few minutes after Rich himself.

While the coffee was brewing, Rich opened up one of the kitchen cupboards so he could grab two glass mugs; one with a picture of a decapitated Zombie from Apocalypse Of The Damned for Jeremy and one with a picture of a cyclops cat for himself (he was 'secretly' a nerd for that kind of stuff). They were the only two people in the house who drank coffee, as Michael preferred his outdated soft drinks and Jake was basically a basic white girl who only drank the finest bubble tea, so those were the only two mugs the four had.

Rich, as he grabbed the mugs, felt two arms wrap around his waist.


"Good Morning." Rich whispered.

"Mornin'." Jeremy whispered back, his voice low, still rough from just waking up. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, you?" "I slept well." Rich smiled as he felt the other press a soft kiss to his neck. "Are Jake and Michael still asleep?" Jeremy nodded, burying his face into the shorter boys neck.

The two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, swaying back and forth, before the coffee machine beeped, signaling that the drink was done.

Jeremy let go of the others waist, allowing Rich to grab the mugs and pour them both a cup of coffee, being careful as to spill nothing. Once the two had their drinks, they made there way to the couch, Jeremy sitting down on one end and Rich sitting next to him, curling up into his side.

The two sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company, each taking a sip of their hot drink every few minutes.

Jake was the next to wake up. He untangled his limbs from Michaels, grabbing a pillow a putting it in Michaels grasp as he began to whine in his sleep and make small grabby hands. Jake smiled, gently pecking the ravenettes forehead before grabbing an extra blanket from the end of the bed and wrapping it around himself, groggily heading downstairs to his other two lovers.

"Mornin', love." Jeremy said upon seeing Jake step down the last stair step. Jake gave back a small groan as he made his way towards the couch. Rich sat up, moving over slightly to make room for the tallest boyfriend, so he could sit in between Jeremy and himself.

Once Jake sat down in the middle of his boyfriends, Jeremy picked up the tv remote from the small table beside his end of the couch and handed it to Jake, knowing that he'd want to watch the news until Michael woke up.

Jake smiled, taking the remote and turning of the television, flipping through channels until he got to the news channel.

For the next hour, the three together on couch in silence. Jeremy was reading a book called The Outsiders while Jake and Rich snuggled up to each other, though Jake was still slightly leaning into Jeremy, watching the television.

Then, finally, Michael woke up. He always was the last of the four to wake up, though Michael and his boyfriends didn't mind.

The raven haired man rubbed the sleep from his eyes, yawning as he got out of bed, almost falling, though he managed to catch himself before he did. The man quickly made his way down the stairs, jumping onto the couch next to Rich with a big smile.

"Good morning!" The three laughed at his cheery behavior, all responding with a 'good morning' of their own.

Michael, being the child he is, reached over Rich to grab the remote from Jake, changing the channel to the one playing his all time favorite cartoon; Spongebob Squarepants. The others excepted this, not minding at all.

All four of the boyfriends stayed like this, cuddled up together on the couch, talking to each other with kids cartoons playing in the background.

So yeah, the boys mornings were repetitive, but that was just their routine, and none of them would want it any other way.

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