🎮Hormephobia Pt.2🎮

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I appreciate Kaetbab 's use of the word "daddy"

Now Heere is everyone's part two!


Jeremys night terrors seemed to cease whenever he was Michael, only making him fall for the boy more than already had. Jeremy hadn't thought of that being able to happen, as he loved Michael greatly, though it did and he wouldn't have it any other way.

He only wished for Michael to feel the same.


After Michael was able to calm Jeremy down, the two boys laid back down. Their limbs were entangled as Jeremy rest his head on Michaels chest, Michael still holding the other in his arms.

The twink quickly fell back asleep, despite his efforts not to, and Michael followed suit.


When the next day came, both boys woke up to find that they had slept through the day, including school as it had been a week day.

Michael was the first to wake, momentarily panicking before seeing a note left my Mr. Heere. He had called the school, saying that the boys were sick. Jeremy panicked just the same, maybe more, before Michael told him of his dads note.

The two boys spent the afternoon eating pizza, getting high (curtesy of Michael), and playing videos games (mostly Apocalypse of The Damned). They laughed and smiled whenever they won, and they cried whenever they lost. It was quite the scene. However, it wasn't something unusual for the pair as this was a normal routine when they hung out.

At one point, Jeremy got lost in his thoughts (about the boy next to him), staring of into space. Michael noticed, as he happened to be 'space', and snapped his fingers in the others face.

"Jeremy!" Michael caught the twink a attention after a while. "You okay, dude? You kinda just started staring at me."

Jeremy blushed. "Oh- I- uh- sorry!" He squeaked out, much like a mouse. Michael found this adorable, though he said nothing about it.

"It's fine. But, you good?" Jeremy nodded and the boys quickly returned their game.

Around midnight, as Michael got the 'okay' from his moms to stay over again, Jeremy once again thought about his best friend. He didn't know if it was the Filipinos dark locks of hair, his chocolaty brown eyes, or maybe even the cute little dimples that appeared whenever he gave one of his gorgeous, award winning smiles, but Jeremy knew that he had fallen for the other, quite hard.

Michael took notice again, however he didn't try get the others attention. No, instead he let his drunken mind wander off, as well, and thought of the boy who occupied the space next to him.

He didn't even realize when his body inched, every so slowly, closer to his best friend. And soon, Michaels body was on top Jeremys, theirs lips pressed together in a rough, yet meaningful kiss.

Once both boys finally realized what they had done in their high state of mind, they quickly pulled their lips apart from the others and began to sober up. Michael moved off of his best friend and scooted as far away as he could, which wasn't very far considering he would soon fall off the bed. Jeremy, on the other hand, stayed laying down, too much in a state of shock to move.

What had Michael just done?



Hi, how are you? How was your day? Have you eaten anything or had any water today? If not, please remember to take of yourself!

Part 3 will probably be out, if not later tonight, then tomorrow!

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