😬A Birthday Wish Come True😬

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Um so hi yes craftymyths (check out their books!) have currently gotten me hooked on a new ship between Evan and Michael (without even knowing it) so I'm gonna write about it and uh yeah

Also his is a soulmate au but I'm to lazy to explain it right now



Evan sat in his seat from the back of the class and waited for the bell to ring, singling the end of last period. It was his eighteenth birthday and he couldn't be any happier! Well, he couldn't be if it wasn't for the anxiety that ate him up from he inside.


You see, on your eighteenth birthday, time would freeze for twenty four hours. The only people who could still move were they who were newly eighteen and their soulmate, though the soulmate only moves if their eighteen, as well, or over.


Thoughts ran through Evans head. Would he have a soulmate? Would they like him? Would they leave him for another? Would he like them? Evan sighed.


Then, someone caught his eye.

Evan watched as the kid who sat in front of him, whose name he did not know, grabbed his headphones, putting them on.


He shifted in his seat and Evan got a good look at his face.


The boy was truly gorgeous.


Beautiful, chocolate brown eyes.


Dark, luscious looking hair.


Wonderful, tan skin.


Cute, circular, black glasses.



Evan jumped in his seat as the bell rang. He had been to lost in thought to realize what the time was.

The boy who sat in front of him let out a small chuckle as he passed by. "You good, dude?"

Evan blushed and stuttered out 'yes' as one thought ran through his head; God, I hope he's my soulmate.


Evan came home to an empty house. There was a note from his mom wishing him a happy birthday and a twenty dollar bill on the kitchen counter.

Another birthday day alone. Great. Evan thought as he went up stairs to do his homework. He pulled out his math and science books. His hardest classes. Evan started with math.

Let's see... wait, the quadratic formula? Shit. Evan tried to remember them at stupid song his math teacher played for the whole class. The quadratic formula is negative b, plus or minus the square root of a- No, not a... c? No...

Evan argued with himself, never relating more to that vine of Lin Manuel Miranda. Come on brain, think of things. Come in brain, be so smart. Yeah, that was currently Evan, himself.

Finally, after hours of hard work and procrastination, Evan had finally finished, not only his math and science homework, but also his language arts homework. It was supposed to be a three page essay on whether or not energy drinks should be banned for kids under eighteen. He thought they shouldn't, as it was up to the teenagers to spend their money as they wish. Plus the caffeine helped him when he was stressed.

Anyway, Evan have finished his homework and cheered to himself. Yay!

Then he checked the time, 10:59, only one more minute until he'd meet his soulmate. Well, if he decided to get out of the house and walk around.

Evan decided that he would and grabbed baby blue hoodie from his closet, pulling it on. He walked out of his room and towards the front door. He checked his phone.


Evan walked out the door.


After a few hours of wandering down the streets, Evan had given up. He doubted that his soulmate would even live near him. He stared his journey back home.

Stupid soulmates.

Stupid eighteenth birthday.

Stupid, stupid, stup-

"Woah, sorry dude." Evan was broken away from his thoughts. "You good?"

Evan recognized that voice. He had heard it earlier. It was that beautiful guys voice! Wait, but that meant- "Oh my god, you're my soulmate!"

The male, who Evan still had yet to learn the name of, only nodded. "Yeah, funny because I thought I didn't have one. My birthday was a few months back. Anyway, I'm Michael." The boy, Michael, held out his hand and Evan took it.

"O-oh... uh, I'm Evan."

The two soulmates talked through out the rest of the night and even walked back to Evans house, where they hung out in Evans room until the rest of the twenty-four hours were over.

Evan finally had a birthday where he wasn't alone, and he had gotten his wish.

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