🌳School Project🌳

136 8 11


-attempted suicide


Evan Hansen had lost his will to live. He was a burden to his mom, his dad didn't want him, and he absolutely hated his anxiety that caused him to always stutter. He just wanted to die.

So, he climbed the tallest tree that he could find, standing up on the branch. He looked down, tears pouring out of his eyes as he thought about everything he could have done better.

Evan took a shaky breath. He was going to jump.


Connor Murphy had always gotten into fights with his family, it wasn't anything new. He was used to the arguing of his parents when they thought he was gone. He was used to his sister ignoring him. He was used to being the reason why his family had fallen apart.

The boy just wanted a break.

Connor left the house, the sound of the door slamming echoing throughout his neighborhood. He walked to the nearest park, though it wasn't one that most kids would enjoy. It was just a big space filled with a countless number of trees and it was watched over by a couple of rangers.

Connor didn't care though. He just wanted to walk around for a bit, get some fresh air, so he made his way deep into the forest.

After awhile, however, the boys peaceful walk was interrupted by a sound of distant sobs. He looked around, his head moving in every direction before looking up. And when he did, he saw a boy with light brown hair high up in a tree.

"Hey!" Connor yelled to the boy. "What're you doing up there?"

Yes, it was obvious what the brunette was about to do, but Connor wasn't sure if he wanted to believe it.

"O-oh! Um... n-nothing?" The boy called back, startled.

Connor shook his head, knowing that the other was lying. He called out to him again. "Come down! You really shouldn't do this!"

The boy in the tree had no time to responds the branch he had been standing upon snapped under his weight.

Connor made a quick move to catch the stranger, though he wasn't quick enough and the boy hit the ground, his arm twisting back at a weird angle.

Connor brought the boy to the hospital.


A month after Evans attempt and it was time for school start back up again, something that Evan had been dreading.

Nevertheless, he knew that he had to go.

Upon entering the school, and successfully talking to some girl named Alana, Evan bumped into his only friend, Jared Kleinman. Though, Jared always insisted that they were only family friends and nothing more.

"Is it weird to be the first person in history to break their arm from jerking off too much, or do you consider that an honor?" Jared said much too loudly. "Paint me the picture. You're in you bedroom. Lights off.  Smooth jazz in the background. You've got Zoe Murphy's Instagram up on your weird, odd brand phone."

Evan blushed, ready to defend himself. "What happened is, I was climbing a tree and I fell."

"You fell out of a tree? What are you, like, an acorn?"

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