📍That Day📍

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Look at my terrible attempt at fan art☝️

So I have this head canon that Jake got Michael his new jacket because I mean like that's really cute so yeah

But this isn't cute???

I dunno.



Michael smiled as he remembered seeing Jake holding out a red, leather jacket to him, a bright smile of his own displayed on the tallers face.

That day.

Michael then frowned, his face scrunching up as tears pooled in the corners of his chocolate colored eyes.

That day used to be the best day of his life. But suddenly, it was quite the opposite, as that day only seemed to bring pain.

That day.

That day was the day that Michael had learned to be more comfortable with himself. That was the day that Michael had gained friends. That was the day that Michael had realized that he was cared about.

That was also the day that Jeremy completely ditched him for Christine.

However, later that same day, Jake had showed up outside of Michaels house, one dark red leather jacket in his hands and a bright blush on his face.

Michael immediately invited him in, his own cheeks flushing with color. The two stood in awkward silence for minutes on end until Jake spoke up, pushing the jacket out towards Michael. His exact words being; "I- uh- I noticed you like red and that you only ever wear your old hoodie so, I, uh- I got you a new jacket??? I mean, uh- yeah..."

That day.

That day was the day that Jake confessed his feelings for the other, Michael doing the same.

And, later that night the two had climbed into Michaels bed, falling fast asleep as the two cuddled.

That dreaded fucking day.

Sobbing, Michael ripped the jacket off of his body, throwing it somewhere across his room. He didn't want to remember that jacket. He didn't want to remember that day.

Michael didn't even want to remember Jake. Especially not after what he had done.


I love not explaining things.

Also I have no motivation for this, I just felt like writing.

Anyway, how was your day?

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