🎵Shut Up Already!🎵

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I love this app.

Everyone is so nice and hilarious.

I'm never leaving.


"Give it to me, you dick wad!"
"No! You give it to me, asshole!"

Evan looked at his two boyfriends in amusement as they fought over a chocolate bar. It was quite hilarious.

Now let's recap;

Connor and Jared had found a chocolate bar, more specifically the last KitKat bar in the house, while Evan was in the bathroom. And because these two dimwits could never agree, they resulted to meaningless insults and unnecessary yelling, which most of was very high pitched. And from Jared.

Anyway, Evan had come back from the bathroom to see his two idiot lovers screaming at each other, leading us to where we are now.

"Evan, tell Jared that the KitKat is mine!" Connor yelled as Jared tried grabbing it from his hands. However, because he's so short, he only grabbed air. "No, tell Connor that it's mine! I found it!"






"Give it here!"

"Never-!" The two, highly immature, boys kept arguing with each other. Well, before-

"JUST SPLIT THE DAMN THING IN HALF ALREADY!" And then all was quite throughout the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Jared and Connor looked at their usually shy, quite boyfriend. Evan only stared back, a blush rising on his cheeks before he averted his gaze downwards. He began to fidget with the hem of his shirt.

"Uh, sorry..." Evan never yells so everyone was pretty much in a state of shock, even Evan as he hadn't realized what he had done until it was too late. "I, uh. Didn't mean to yell... I just don't see why you guys can't, why you guys can't split the thing...?"

Jared took a seat next to Evan, his shoes seeming to be the most interesting in the world. Connor nodded, quickly breaking the KitKat in half, two pieces for him and the same for Jared, who he handed the other half to.

"You, uh, you want a piece?" Evan only shook his head at Connors question.

"'M sorry..." Connor wrapped his arm around Evans shoulder, pulling him close as Jared leaned into the dirty blond. "It's okay, Ev."

"Mhm. We were being childish, we deserved it." Connor laughed at Jared's statement, Evan following suit. Soon all boys were laughing, the tension in the air disappearing.

Evan was just glad that his lovers had finally shut up.

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